
ARC Review: Bind Me Before You Go by Harper Kincaid

Bind Me Before You Go is the eighth installment in the “Serve” Series and is the first offering by Harper Kincaid. I read one other book in this series by Katee Robert but this is my first intro to Kincaid.

I have to just start by saying that if you blink, you will miss this whole entire book and be like ‘what the hell just happened?’ You’ve heard of instalove before but to get an idea of what goes on this book, you need to think insta love on methamphetamines. That being said, the author still delivers on some of the things that I like about this series and love about Brazen books in general. The book is fun, sexy, well written and an easy escape from the grind of daily life.

Since the book is so short, I’m going to give you a really short plot synopsis to avoid retelling the whole story:

Cassidy relocates to NY and goes to Serve (a BDSM sex club for those of you just joining us) to spice things up a bit. David is in charge of Security at Serve. And yeah, that’s pretty much the whole background of the relationship between the two main characters, seriously. Before you can say ‘that was fast,’ David is introducing Cassidy to Shibari and bamn they’re in love. I’m sorry if that was a spoiler because it actually might have been the whole book. Still, you can read it and get some of the details that couldn’t quite fit into three sentences.

I just have to say, this is my second Shibari book and I’m just not impressed. To each his own but I always get a cirque du soleil vibe when we start hanging people up tied in knots and what not. I’m not judging but who has time for somebody to work through all those damn knots. I’m sorry, I digress.

I liked David. He was ok for he was, which was not the alpha dominant male I ordinarily like to say. He wasn’t soft or anything but I just like my book boyfriends to have a little more aggression and a little less emotional…well just emotion. Cassidy was…I don’t really know. I didn’t get much from her other than that she just really wanted to enjoy life. I was mostly just creeped out that she shares a name with my daughter and was being tied up and sexed up, again, I digress. Interestingly, I like David and Cassidy together. David had some commitment issues thrown in to keep things interesting but which ones of our favorite book boyfriends don’t have that issue? Right, none. The student/teacher nature of the couple’s relationship added another interesting layer to the story that I kind of enjoyed.

If I had to sum up my experience with this book I would say, I definitely liked the book and I recommend it to other readers who enjoy something on the quick and easy side. I will be checking out Kincaid’s future releases though I do hope for something a bit more meaty in terms of length.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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