
ARC Review: The Curse of Lord Stanstead by Mia Marlowe

Mia Marlowe knows how to write romance... and fantasy, and action! And then she spins her tale in Regency England. I found it very hard to pick a genre for this book, but I decided on a Historical Romance with Magic. I thought this was amazing. It brought together all of my favorite genres: Historical, Romance, and Fantasy. Then the icing on the cake, she wrote the story so very well!

Cassandra Darkin has been freaking out, because fires have been going out of control around her recently. It’s impossible that it’s her fault right? On top of that, the man she loves is marrying another girl, one who has the connections his family requires. Cassie’s family is very well off, and her father recently received a baronetcy. Sadly this isn’t enough for full acceptance within the ton since they acquired their money through trade.

Garrett Sterling is sent on a mission to find the new Fire Psychic that has emerged in England. He takes this task as he does all others, something he must do to get what he needs from the Duke of Camden. Garrett has the ability to put thoughts in other peoples’ heads. Unfortunately, because of the more difficult part of his ability, he keeps everyone at a distance to protect them. The Duke has promised to help him learn to control his abilities.

Garrett tracks down Cassie and takes her to the Duke of Camden, the head of the Order of the MUSE. It is an organization protecting the Prince Regent with their unusual abilities. The Duke offers to help Cassie with her new powers if she agrees to help their cause. Upon accepting, Cassie learns that the recent release of her powers came from her losing her virtue. She learns her powers are tied to her sensuality, and she needs Garrett to help her keep it under control.

The two become a team and have to do some missions for the MUSE. Despite his attempts to keep Cassie at a distance, Garrett starts to love her. Cassie struggles with the loss of her first love. I loved Garrett! He was everything I look for in a tortured hero! Cassie was such a delight to read about. I liked her personality. The missions the two undertake were very exciting, and they all tied together nicely in the end. Some of the mysteries become apparent to the reader before the characters, and I did get frustrated that they didn’t realize it. All in all, I loved this book and I highly anticipate the next Order of the M.U.S.E. book!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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