
ARC Review: Elude by Rachel Van Dyken

Elude is the sixth book in the Eagle Elite Series by Rachel Van Dyken. This book is an interconnected standalone, but I would really recommend reading this series in order. These books are fantastic, and this series is quite possibly my favorite series ever. Rachel Van Dyken has written such a unique and different world, and I find myself loving all these characters flaws and all. If you haven't read any of this series yet, you are definitely missing out. 

I don't really want to say too much of what this book is about, so as not to give it away. But this is Sergio and Andi's book. Sergio was forced to marry Andi, who was dying, in order to protect her. Before their wedding Sergio offers to kill her, and Andi declines. But after they are married, things quickly change and Sergio vows to protect her with his life. Sergio and Andi are some of my favorite characters of this series after reading this book, and that really surprised me. Andi was so inspiring, and I couldn't help but really like her. She was so positive and loving, kind and funny. She was so perfect for Sergio, and I really enjoyed seeing them together. I wasn't too sure about Sergio before this book, but seeing everything that he did and went through here, he completely won me over. He was so much more than what we had seen of him previously, and this book really was a journey for him. 

Overall, this was another fantastic book in this series and Rachel Van Dyken continues to prove why this series is one of my all time favorites. These books are must reads! I cannot explain enough why you need to read these books if you haven't already, but trust me when I tell you that I haven't been disappointed a single time. This book was beautiful and sad, and I definitely cried a ton. (So make sure you have some tissues handy!) But it was a story about facing death and living your life, beyond just surviving and breathing. I loved every bit of Elude, tears and all. It was great to see familiar faces! These characters are so hard to let go of at the end of each book, so it is always nice to get more of them! They are truly unique, and I love that they aren't your typical cookie-cutter type of characters. I honestly cannot wait for more in this series, and after reading the prologue of the next book I am already stalking the internet for information!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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