
ARC Review: Finding Master Right by Sparrow Beckett

Finding Master Right is the first book in the Masters Unleashed Series by Sparrow Beckett. Sparrow Beckett is actually a writing team, with each author writing under another name. I thought that these two did a great job of writing the story so that it came off seamlessly, and I loved that they each focused on one POV. I think that this book was very successful because of the fact that we got both Kate and Banner's POVs, and I really enjoyed reading this one. 

Kate is looking for a Dom. She knows that she needs someone to take control and she wants to explore her submissive side. But she isn't willing to give up everything for a man, and her search for the perfect Dom for her so far has turned up nothing but creeps. When her friend throws a part to help her find her Dom, she ends up meeting the sexy Banner. Banner isn't looking for a submissive, but rather a slave. He knows that his kinks and desires are too intense for Kate, but he ends up agreeing to help train her in order to attract the right Dom for her. Once she is trained, he will help her out by introducing her to Doms that he knows will take care of her and find the right one for her. But the longer that they spend together, the more the lines start to blur. Soon both Kate and Banner are beginning to rethink all the reasons they have for not being together as their feelings continue to grow stronger.

I really liked Banner and Kate. I felt like they had a great connection right from the start, and the chemistry was so clear. These two challenged one another, and they fit together well. I liked that Banner was willing to introduce her into the BDSM lifestyle, and he was so great with her. I loved that he was cruel or overly harsh with her, yet he took her outside her comfort zone. Kate was a bit headstrong and liked to challenge Banner. She didn't give up control easy, and she wasn't always the most submissive. Yet she did have respect for Banner, and I liked seeing her learn to trust him and allow him to take control. I will admit that there were several times that Kate got on my nerves a bit, but overall I did like her with Banner. I thought that these two were super hot together though, and their steamy scenes were definitely worth the read.

The one thing that I will say though is that this didn't really feel like a Master/slave relationship to me at all. Banner mentioned several times about how he was and what his kinks were, yet I just didn't get that from him here. With him being a Master looking for a slave rather than a submissive, I would have expected him to be a bit more firm with Kate and yet there were many times that he seemed to go really easy on her. I also thought that for someone actively seeking a Dom, Kate seemed to have very little knowledge of the BDSM world. I understand there are some things that might be unfamiliar to her, but she didn't even know what Banner was referring to when he mentioned DP and that just struck me as something she definitely would have known had she really been interested in living that lifestyle. There were other examples that I found odd that she didn't know, but that one really seemed to be the most glaring to me. I did like these two together though, and if you are looking for a sexy story with some BDSM action, this one is worth looking into. I will definitely check out the rest of the series as I liked the secondary characters here a lot and would love to get to know them better.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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