
ARC Review: Inside Game by Collette West

Inside Game is the newest book in Collette West's New York Kings series. This book like the rest are all standalones, and it isn't necessary to read them in order though I would recommend it. I have really enjoyed this series so far, and each book seems to be better than the previous. I really thought that I might have some issues with Drake here though after reading the previous books since he was such a cocky jerk. I have to say though that I liked him instantly here, and he might even be my favorite of the series! 

When the bad boy of the New York Kings baseball team, Drake Schultz, gets suspended for taking performance enhancing drugs, the team lets him know that he has no choice but to clean up his act. In order to not lose his contract with the team, he reluctantly agrees to work with a sober companion to get and stay clean. Eva Sloane has always been a fan of Drake's, but as her first celebrity client she knows she has to tread carefully. After losing her friend to addiction, she is determined to get Drake the help he needs. But as Eva gets to know Drake, she finds herself drawn to him as more than just a client. But in order to get him to face his past, she has to find the balance between getting close to him and remaining professional all while keeping herself from becoming his newest drug of choice. 

I really liked Drake and Eva. Drake was so much more than the facade that he showed to everyone, and I knew for him to be the way he was there had to be a lot beneath the surface. I never expected for his story to be what it was though, and it was clear to see why he had become the man he was. I felt so badly for him, and yet I was so glad that he had Eva to help him. She understood where he was coming from having had some experience with coming from a similar background. Eva was able to reach Drake when no one else could, and I loved her approach to getting him to open up. She was supportive and encouraging, but she knew her limits when it came to how hard to push him. She was smart and positive, and was the perfect match for Drake. These two also had really great chemistry, and they felt so natural together. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. There were some parts that were a bit frustrating to get through, and there were times that I definitely didn't like Drake's actions. But I really thought that this story was a great one and Evan and Drake were some of my favorites from this series. I thought that these two had great communication, which is really rare to see. I loved that they could be honest with each other and were able to confide in one another. It was really refreshing to see Drake make such positive changes, and I liked seeing the progress that he made as he faced his past. I would definitely recommend this series, but especially this book. Drake and Eva were really special, and I think that their book is definitely worth the read. I look forward to reading more from Collette West.

**ARC Provided by IndieSage PR**

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