
ARC Review: My Serenity by M. Clarke

My Serenity is the standalone sequel to My Clarity by M. Clarke. It is not necessary to read My Clarity first, however the characters are interconnected. I have become a huge fan of Clarke's, and I couldn't wait to read this one. I really enjoyed the story and the characters, and was invested in this second chance romance right from the start. 

After the loss of his father, Seth returns home to help out his mom with their family restaurant and garage. By returning home, Seth had to turn down a great opportunity knowing that his family came first. Not long after returning, Seth comes across his childhood sweetheart, and he can't believe that he is face to face with Josefina after she disappeared when they were children. Though they were both young, their feelings were real and he was never able to forget her. Josefina has kept many secrets and hides herself away from everyone, especially Seth. But she can't help herself from wanting to get to know him again, even knowing that she shouldn't allow him to get too close. But when her past suddenly returns, both Seth and Josefina will have to decide if they can move forward together or if there will be too many obstacles for them to have a second chance. 

I really liked both Seth and Josefina. They were both sweet and nice, and super easy to like. I felt for both of them instantly, and my heart broke for all that each had been through. The connection they shared was so real and natural, and it was amazing that they had found it at such a young age. Yet it was undeniable, and I never once questioned their love in the past or present. These two just fit together in every way, and I loved that they complimented each other so well. They supported and encouraged one another, and brought out the other's best side. I thought that they had great chemistry, and it was really interesting to see them explore more of the sexy side of each other as adults as well as the sweet side as kids. 

Overall, this was a great story. It was fun and sweet, sexy and emotional. M. Clarke really gave Seth and Josefina a solid story that was well written and hard to put down. I will say that it does shift back and forth in time, as well as in POV and at times that was a little disorienting. I also wanted Josefina to open up to Seth more, and it took awhile for him to really see everything that she had been going through. But besides those minor criticisms, this story had everything that I enjoy as a reader and I couldn't get enough of these two together. I highly recommend this book and anything written by M. Clarke. I look forward to reading more from her in the future and can't wait to see what she writes next.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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