
ARC Review: Taming Lily by Monica Murphy

Taming Lily is the third and final installment in the Fowler Sisters series by Monica Murphy. I have really enjoyed this series and couldn't wait to get to know Lily better. While each book is a standalone, these are best read in order to get full enjoyment. This book was really good, and I didn't want to put it down. 

Lily Fowler has always been known as the party girl heiress of the Fowler Cosmetics family. But this time when she finds herself in trouble, she heads to Hawaii looking to hide out. Lily goes out of her way to make herself as unrecognizable as possible, yet she still feels like someone is watching her. When she nearly drowns, she finds herself rescued by her watcher. Soon she finds herself getting close to Max, even though she knows that she should be careful. Max knows that he needs to keep his distance from Lily, but he can't help the way he feels about her. But when everything comes to a head, Lily finds herself not knowing who to trust. Can Lily trust Max, or is he the last person that she should turn to?

I liked these two together a lot. Lily and Max were super hot together, and I loved the dynamic between them. They are both used to control, and they don't like to give it up easily. But with each other, they found it impossible to act as they normally would. The pull between them was magnetic, and I couldn't get enough of them. Lily was so much more than her reputation, and I really enjoyed seeing a different side to her. She was very easy to like, and I found myself relating to her more than I expected. She wasn't my favorite character in the previous books, but I really liked her once I started to get to know her here. Max was sexy and mysterious, and I will admit that I didn't want to like him at first. I knew what he was up to and I figured that would be a huge strike against him. Yet he completely won me over, and I found myself loving him just like Lily did. 

I will say that there were a few things that kept me from rating this one at 5 stars. I thought that grandma Fowler was missing here, and it was pretty noticeable. I also felt like though we got some of Pilar and Forrest Fowler, that we never really got to see enough of them together. I didn't really feel like their parts of the story were given enough attention, considering they were a huge part of what happened with Lily's story. I was curious to get more of the two of them, and would have liked to have seen them together more. The other thing that I noticed is that even though each book was different, there was a really big common thread throughout each book. Each book features a man falling for one of the sisters that starts out without the best of intentions when it comes to them. While I do find it interesting to see a sort of enemies to lovers story with someone out to destroy the other's life and they end up falling for them, I felt like that was overdone with this series. It would have been okay if it hadn't been every book in this series. I still really enjoyed this series though, and I thought that they were well written and sexy. Each book was entertaining, and I would recommend this series especially if you are a Monica Murphy fan. This is definitely one of my favorites of Murphy's and I look forward to reading more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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