
ARC Review: Unscripted by M.C. Decker

Unscripted is the second book in M.C. Decker's Unspoken series and needs to be read after Unwritten. Unscripted is the continuation of Brooke and Rich's story, and I have been dying to get my hands on this one after that cliffy at the end of Unwritten! I love these characters so much, and I couldn't wait to see what would happen for them. Not only did M.C. Decker do a fabulous job with their story, but I felt like it was exactly as it should have been for these characters.

After years of being apart, Rich Davis and Brooke Anderson had finally reconnected. Not only did they have great jobs, but they had each other. But just when things appeared to be perfect, a tragedy stole their happy ending. Now they are left to pick up the pieces and see what happens after their perfect script has changed yet again. Can Brooke and Rich write a new happy ending together, or will it be too late for them to get their forever?

I love Rich and Brooke, and my heart was absolutely breaking for these two at the end of Unwritten and the beginning of Unscripted. These two had already been through so much, and yet it seemed like they were being dumped on yet again when neither of them deserved it. Rich and Brooke were absolutely perfect for one another, and I loved how well they fit together. They were each so passionate about their careers and each other. This book wasn't an easy journey, and there were several times that I really felt like things were beyond unfair for them. Yet the love between Brooke and Rich was never ending, and it was easy to see that love was never their problem. I loved that their feelings for one another never wavered no matter what they were going through. Sometimes we have to go through some rough times in order to get to where we need to, and that really seemed to be the case here. The chemistry between them was stronger than ever, and I had faith that these two would be able to find their way back to one another.

Overall, I really loved this book and the journey that these characters have been on for these two books. I feel emotionally connected to them, and I was invested in their story from the start. This book was beautifully written and brought out all the feels. M.C. Decker has a way of drawing you into her stories and captivating you right until the very last word. I loved Rich and Brooke, but I also really love the secondary characters as well. I am very intrigued with what is developing between Blake and Cassidy, and I cannot wait to get more of these characters. I honestly cannot recommend this series enough, and if you haven't read these books yet you are seriously missing out. M.C. Decker doesn't disappoint, and if you are looking for a great contemporary romance with emotion and depth you cannot go wrong with her books. I am looking forward to seeing what else she writes in the future and will be anxiously awaiting Unforeseen, the third book in her Unspoken series.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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