
Guest Post with Author Cassie Ryan and Giveaway

Meet Cassie Ryan author of My Obsession.

Cassie Ryan (aka Tina Gerow) started her career writing steamy paranormal romance under another pen name. However, when one of her critique partners suggested she try her hand at contemporary romance, she gave it a shot—and Cassie Ryan was officially born. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and besides being a write-a-holic, is a frequent speaker on several writing and motivational topics.

Meet Brent Weston

It’s nice to meet you. I’m Brent Weston, owner and head Dom of Club Desire, the premier dungeon and sex club in the Southwestern U.S. I’d love to have you come by and take a tour sometime soon, or attend a munch.

What’s that?

A munch is what those in the lifestyle call our meet and greets to get more information about the lifestyle and membership to Club Desire.
Club Desire accommodates nearly any legal, safe and consensual kink, and we have facilities and equipment for all of the more popular ones, and try to expand as needed into new areas.


Yes, that’s one of the main alternatives here, and we are fully equipped to accommodate all levels of play. The D/s relationship is a beautiful power exchange between two people.

It’s a common misperception that the Dom has all the power in the equation. In fact, the sub has much more power, and that’s as it should be. As a Dom, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety of my sub and make sure everything we do is sane and consensual. I’m responsible for their well being and their pleasure. It’s a heady thing for a sub to willingly give up some of their power to their Dom for a time. But at any time they can take that power back by the use of their safeword.

I pride myself on ensuring I understand both their soft and hard limits before we begin any play, and staying very aware of my subs’ reactions, state of mind, and needs throughout our session.

My goal is to give them exactly what they need and crave, even if they aren’t sure what that is and want to be gently led. I always try to take them to new heights of pleasure without ever pushing them so far that they would have need of their safeword. But if they do use it, I honor it immediately, and make sure they are all right in Aftercare, which is what we call the time spent between Dom and sub after a scene, which allows them both to come down from any highs caused by the play, and allows the Dom to evaluate the well being of the sub and care for them.

Does that sound like something you might be interested in?

I’m glad.

I invite you to be my guest for an evening so I can introduce you to some of our Doms and subs. And if watching is one of your desires, we have many areas where you can watch the play by play on the dungeon floors without being seen, or even still enjoying play while you watch. Club Desire has 5 dungeon levels to meet all manner of kinks and preferences. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

In fact, next Saturday night a large group has rented out Basement 4 for a reenactment of a Roman Orgy. I would be happy to reserve a private alcove on Basement 3 for you so you can watch, if you like.

I look forward to introducing you to Club Desire.

In this story of temptation and total surrender for readers of Sylvia Day and J. Kenner, a powerful master gives his dream girl a new beginning in the dungeons of decadent ecstasy.

Running from a troubled past, Sandra Barry spent years hiding out in New York City’s BDSM scene, finding satisfaction and even a sense of community as a sub at a large dungeon. But when a stalker joins the dungeon posing as a Dom, he crosses her personal boundaries, giving her no choice but to return home to Arizona. Seeking refuge once again in the kink lifestyle, Sandra meets a sexy new Dom whose tutelage drives her wild—although there’s something familiar about him she just can’t place.

As a teenager, Brent Weston was a nerd. Now he owns the hottest dungeon in Phoenix, enjoying the power and success he’s always craved. All that’s missing is the right woman to share it with. Then one day Sandra, his secret high school crush, walks into his club. She’s just as beautiful as he remembers. She’s also scared as hell. Brent has been waiting for this moment, and now that Sandra’s in his sights, he’ll do anything to protect her, pleasure her—and prove that he’s the only master worthy of her devotion.

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Special thanks to Loveswept & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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Tasty Book Tours said...

Hellllllllllllllllllllo Brent Weston! ha ha Thank you for hosting Cassie today!

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