
ARC Review: Better When He's Brave by Jay Crownover

Better When He's Brave is the third installment in Jay Crownover's Welcome to the Point series. Each book is a standalone, though I would honestly suggest reading in order with so much going on that relates to the previous stories and characters. Though it isn't necessary to start at the beginning, I really think it adds a lot to the reader's experience rather than just jumping in here. 

Titus King knows that he is fighting a war that is almost impossible to win. Though he knows his city is filled with hard men and women, they are his to protect and look after and he will do whatever it takes to keep his city as safe as possible. But when Reeve Black shows up with information and asks for his help to take down a dangerous man, he knows that the real battle is just getting started. Reeve knows that Titus is the best of the best and that there is no way a woman like her could ever be what he deserves, yet she also will do whatever it takes to try and set right some of her past wrongs. But can Reeve and Titus work together long enough to take care of what they need to without being hurt or killed in the process? 

I liked Reeve and Titus. These two are so completely different, and yet that was what really made them work. They balanced each other out in a way that they both really needed. Titus is used to only seeing things in black and white, and Reeve definitely challenged that. Though he knew about Reeve's past and still agreed to work with her, he tried to stay away. The chemistry between them though was too strong for him to fight for long. Reeve had wanted Titus since she had met him, but she knew that because of her past actions that she wasn't the one for him. She thought he deserved better, and I was glad that she was determined to do right by him and try to make up for what she had done before. I did think that she showed how far she had come though, and I thought that she did deserve him and was glad that these two seemed to be unable to stop the connection growing between them.

I will say that I thought that this story was often very detailed, to the point of being unnecessary. Things would get lost in the details and I found myself zoning out at times and wanting to skim large portions of the story because of that. I didn't need six pages to see why Reeve felt she wasn't good enough for Titus or the same for Titus to explain how bad his city was. It almost felt as though the author was trying to make sure the reader knew just how awful The Point was, and I thought that came across without needing to go to so much extra effort. I think that it was very clear how their city was, and how these characters felt that we didn't need convincing. Besides that though I did enjoy these two and seeing how they were together.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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