
ARC Review: Flame by Erin Noelle

Flame is the second book in the Fire on the Mountain series by Erin Noelle, with each book being an interconnected standalone. I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one after really enjoying the first book Spark. While I really liked Spark, I absolutely loved Flame! Dakota and Levi's story was so good, and I just couldn't put it down. 

When in Breckenridge for his friend's wedding, successful motocross rider James Levi meets Dakota Shavell. Sparks instantly fly between them, and a sexy night between them soon becomes a two week long road trip together. Dakota and Levi are both used to keeping things casual and they aren't into being possessive or anything long-term. But the longer they spend together, the more their feelings begin to change. They both know that at the end of two weeks Dakota will be headed home while Levi will continue on in his quest to win Worlds. But when Levi gets hurt he suddenly realizes that his priorities have changed, and he is determined to show Dakota that they belong together.

I really loved Dakota and Levi. These two were absolutely perfect for one another, and I loved seeing them together. Dakota was fun and sassy, and I really loved how much she owned who she was. She never made any apologies for who she was and didn't care if others liked it or not. Levi was confident and charming without being a cocky jerk. He went after what he wanted, and I enjoyed watching him as he claimed Dakota. These two had such strong chemistry and they could not have been hotter together. But I also really enjoyed seeing them get closer emotionally when it was clear that neither one of them was used to forming a connection like the one that was so natural between them. 

Overall, this was my favorite so far from this series! I couldn't get enough of these two or their story, and I really enjoyed seeing a few familiar faces. I have to say that I am already looking forward to the next book after the setup here, and I think it will be interesting to see how things play out for the next Shavell sister! I highly recommend this series from Erin Noelle, and don't worry about jumping in here if you haven't read Spark. It isn't necessary to start at the beginning, though I would recommend Spark as well since it is a great book as well! Erin Noelle is a great writer, and I honestly cannot wait to read more from her!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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