
ARC Review: Focus on Me by Megan Erickson

Focus on Me is the second book in the In Focus series by Megan Erickson. Each book is a standalone, but the characters are interconnected. I really enjoyed this sweet and emotional male/male story, and I thought that it was really well written. This book was filled with hope and love, and it really brought out all the emotions. 

Colin Hartman has failed everything he has ever tried, college being the latest. When he sets out on the cross country road trip from California back home to North Carolina, he never expects to meet a sexy stranger that will change his life. From his first glance at Riley at a gas station in Nevada, he knows that there is something more to this beautiful man. When Riley needs a ride, Colin offers to take him where he needs to go. Riley intends to keep his ride with Colin short, but soon one detour after another finds him growing close to Colin and questioning everything. For once, Riley finally begins to feel something thanks to Colin. But the shadows are still there, and he struggles with how to deal with them along with his new feelings. Colin knows that there is something going on that Riley isn't saying, and he is determined to do whatever it takes to help Riley. 

I loved these two. They were great together, and I really loved how sweet they were. They got along great and had a strong connection. Colin and Riley were so natural together, and I liked seeing them get to know one another. They had such a slow burn going on, and yet once things ignited it was explosive. Riley and Colin were super hot together and had a ton of chemistry, but it was the emotional connection that they were forming that I found so interesting. Riley had so much that he was dealing with, and I felt so badly for him. But Colin was able to get through to him and I was glad that he knew when to push Riley and when to back off. Colin was supportive and encouraging, and you could tell that the love between these two was undeniable. 

Overall, this was a great read. It was very emotional and tough to get through at times, and yet it was also filled with so much love and sweetness. Colin helped Riley to heal, and I loved that he never gave up on him. At times he had to make some tough decisions, and it was clear that he felt so badly for things he had to do. Yet his ultimate priority was Riley, and that was what made it impossible not to fall for these two. I highly recommend this book, especially if you are a fan of the male/male genre. Focus on Me was sexy and heartwarming, and a great emotional story.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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