
ARC Review: Make Me by Tessa Bailey

I’m going to be honest, Tessa Bailey can do almost no wrong when it comes to me. She gives me what I need (bossy alpha men with dirty mouths and steamy steamy sex) and I’ve given her my heart. I’m not claiming to write an unbiased review. Yeah yeah, I’ll try to be objective but I love me some Tessa Bailey and you’re just gonna need to deal.

I don’t even read NA books but for Tessa Bailey, I was all in to this one before I even realized it was NA. Make Me is the Russell and Abby story. Russell is a working class guy and Abby is a rich girl. Abby needs all sort of ish money can’t buy but of course Russell had a hard time seeing that. He spent a lot of time in the book stuck in “I’m not good enough for her” land. I just need all men to know if they can do stuff in the bed like Russell and talk to you about it too, nobody cares if you’re broke or whatever. This is kind of a friends to lovers story but not exactly. Russell and Abby hung out with the same social circle but Russell wanted Abby from get go so that added a little twist to things.

I thought it was interesting that Abby didn’t have a clue about how Russell felt about her at first. And by interesting, I mean, I was kinda confused about Abby’s mental capacity. At one point she is bouncing on his lap while he is rocking a forest of wood….but Abby didn’t notice. I got that she was a virgin but sometimes Abby seemed a little too clueless. On a similar note, I have to warn you that even though I love it, Russell’s protective/possessiveness did border on “dude you need a Xanax and a tall glass of calm the hell down” at times. That might bother you but it didn’t bother me. I like my Hero’s to be intense and stalky because I’m crazy like that. I loved how the story of Russell trying to improve his business was tied into his developing relationship with Abby. Actually, just in general I really like Abby and Russell together. I’m here for the innocent virgin and the bad boy with the dirty mouth. It does not hurt at all that Tessa always knows how to give us more bang for our buck…get it? No seriously, Tessa’s steamy stuff is HAWT and always always worth the wait.

For all you angst fans, there was definitely some angst here as Russell went back and forth trying to get his mind right. I appreciated Abby’s reactions to Russell and how she asserted herself. Abby was just what Russell needed to yank his head from his butt.

This is a good fun super fast read that I recommend.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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