
ARC Review: Playing For Her Heart by Meagan Erickson

Playing For Her Heart is the story of Chloe and Grant. The premise of the book is that the two meet at a comic con where they are dressed up as different characters. They hook up for what is supposed to be a one night stand but neither can get the other off their mind. Well, as romantic fortune would have it, Chloe turns out to be the younger sister of Grant's business associate. Not only that, but outside of role playing, Chloe seems to actually be a totally different person. Indeed, throughout the book Chloe is convinced that she can't be sexy or assertive without costumes and role playing. Grant spends most of the book ducking Chloe's brother while trying to convince her that she has appeal as herself.

What I liked about this book was the well described relationship between the main couple. Through their conversations and interactions, I honestly felt the connection between the couple and it made me root for them and invest in the story. I also liked the addition of Grant's daughter and Chloe's connection to her. Chloe's mentorship of Grant's daughter gave us a different perspective on Chloe as a person that was much needed given what I have to say below.
Throughout the book Chloe is struggling with residual bad feelings that she developed about her own worth when her sister died. I get that losing a sibling would mess with anybodys head but where things went left for me with this book was how much Chloe hated herself. It just got to hard to read after awhile. This book had some pretty hot sex scenes but not even that could drag me back in after Chloe's depressing azz got done dragging me into a the depths of despair. Like, there are only so many times you can read a heroine wish that she had died in someone else's place before you start trying to find a window to throw your own self out of.

Speaking of family drama, I have to say that I'm unclear on why Chloe's brother had such an issue with his very adult sister dating? I just didn't get why dude was acting like an overprotective Dad. It was...weird. Yes, yes, he had issues too but it just seemed like the author needed to add the "forbidden" aspect to the romance and did it in sort of an awkward way.

All in all, this book is a super fast read, it's entertaining and well written.The only thing you need to look out for is the depressing heroine. If you can withstand that, this book is for you.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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