
ARC Review: Three Little Mistakes by Nikki Sloane

I really love the Blindfold Club Series by Nikki Sloane. Each book is seriously hot, and so sexy that I can't put the down. Three Little Mistakes is every bit as good as the previous two, and I am never disappointed with Nikki Sloane's writing. Each book in this series is a standalone, but I would definitely recommend reading them in order for full enjoyment as each book tends to have previous characters play a significant part. 

As the owner of The Blindfold Club Joseph not only sells sex, but it is pretty much his entire life. He loves the power and control it gives him, after a past in which his every move was controlled. But when he meets the sexy and mysterious Em, everything begins to change for him. Noemi is looking to do something wild for a change, tired of being the good girl she has had to be for her family. When she meets Joseph, she knows that he is exactly what she needs. As she gets to know him, he begins to introduce her to his world and she finally starts to break out of her shell. But when Joseph learns who her family is he realizes that she is the one woman that he absolutely can't have, yet can't give up. Can Joseph find a way to make things work or will he and Noemi be over before they ever have a chance at something real?

I really liked Noemi and Joseph. I honestly wasn't sure how I would feel about these two in relation to the other characters from this series, because I loved the previous ones so much! But I really ended up liking Joseph and he was so much more than what we had previously seen of him. He had so much beneath his surface, and it was clear that he preferred to go it alone without letting many people in. Even his closest friend didn't really know much about him. But Noemi was perfect for him. She fulfilled all his desires and got him to open up to her in a way that was so natural and easy. Noemi was sweet and used to being the smart and successful good girl. Yet she was open and adventurous with Joseph, and I really enjoyed seeing her confidence grow. She embraced who she was and what she wanted, and I was glad that Joseph never let her be embarrassed or run away from what they were enjoying together when she got inside her head too much. He got her to face everything and realize that what they were doing together was something that they both enjoyed with no judgments. These two had off the charts chemistry and such a strong and undeniable connection with an amazing amount of trust. 

Overall, this was a great addition to this series. I loved the characters and getting to see familiar faces. Each time I find out that there will be another book in this series it absolutely makes my day. I have enjoyed this series from the beginning and cannot recommend these books enough. They are some of the hottest books I have ever read, but they also are really great stories! Sometimes with Erotica you get the sex and steam, but there isn't a story to go with it and while I enjoy the sex I need more than just that to make for a great reading experience. Nikki Sloane always manages to give us the sexiest dirty-talkers and a story that is impossible to put down. These books are definitely worth the read, and if you like things on the really hot side you absolutely need to check these out if you haven't already. I cannot wait for the next book in this series, and whatever else Nikki Sloane decides to write in the future. She has solidified herself as an auto-buy author for me, and I know that whatever she is writing I will be reading.

**ARC Provided by Ardent PRose**

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