
Review: Falling From The Sky by Sarina Bowen

Falling From The Sky is the second book in the Gravity series by Sarina Bowen. Each book can be read as a standalone though the characters are interconnected. I haven't read much from Sarina Bowen yet, but what I have read I really enjoyed. FFTS was no different, and I am so glad that I got the chance to read this book. I haven't read any of the other books in the Gravity series yet, but I will absolutely be reading them after this. I loved the characters here, and Sarina Bowen is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. 

Hank "Hazardous" Lazarus had everything, the gorgeous girlfriend, career of his dreams, and the chance at gold in the Olympics. But then a nasty crash in a half pipe stole his future from him. No longer able to move his legs, he has no chance of snowboarding anytime soon. When his family insists on him doing an experimental new treatment, he reluctantly agrees as long as they will go along with his conditions. One being that doctor Callie Anders be the one in charge of the program. Callie has been trying to move forward with her life after her doctor boyfriend cheated on her with a nursing student. So when Hank tries to get her to agree to dinner with him, not only does she not tell him that she actually met him just before his crash, but she turns him down. But the more she is around Hank, the more she realizes that she wants to be with him even though it scares her. But will her job and her fears keep her from taking a chance on something with him?

I really liked Hank and Callie. They were so great for one another, and I thought that they had a great connection. Hank was struggling to deal with his new circumstances, and I can't even imagine what it would be like to be in his shoes. He was scared and angry, yet he didn't allow others to really see how much everything had affected him. I liked that Callie treated him no differently than she would anyone else though, and it didn't matter that he was no longer the same person he had been. Callie was strong and smart, yet she had been dealing with her own fears and insecurities after what happened with her ex. She was nervous to take a chance with Hank because of that, yet he never gave up on her. These two just understood one another, and I really liked seeing how they were together. 

Overall, this was a great story and I honestly loved all the characters. Hank and Callie were great and I enjoyed seeing them figure things out, but I also really liked their friends. I thought that they added so much to this story, and I can't wait to read their books and see more of each of them as well. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is a contemporary or sports romance fan. I think that this is one of those books that you are able to easily lose yourself in, and once I started I didn't want to put it down. It was well written and entertaining, and I loved how sweet it was. I will absolutely be reading more from Sarina Bowen in the future, and I can't wait to see what else she writes.

**Review Copy Provided by Author**

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Falling From The Sky is also a part of the Unconditional: Love Without Limits Anthology, which features 10 Full-Length Novels.  

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