
Review: Play Nice by L.P. Maxa

Play Nice is the first book that I have ever read from L.P. Maxa and I have to say that after finishing it I am wondering how it is possible that I never knew about Maxa before! This book was fantastic, and I couldn't put it down. It was so good and funny, yet also sweet and sexy. This book was such a great start to her new series, The Devil's Share, and I cannot wait to read more! This book was such a wonderful surprise when I had been in a bit of a book slump lately! If you love rockstar romances, this is definitely one you won't want to miss! 

When Lexi shows up to a concert with her best friend Amy, her whole reason for going is to support her friend Luke. Luke is Amy's brother and is the new drummer for The Devil's Share, but he has been one of Lexi's best friends for years. But when Lexi meets sexy lead singer Dash Conner, she never expects to find herself the focus of his attention. Though Lexi has no intention of becoming another notch on his bedpost, she wouldn't mind getting to know him a little better. Dash on the other hand is used to getting whatever he wants, especially when it comes to girls. But when Lexi tells him that he needs to woo her, he instantly knows that she is different and there is something about her that has him wanting to see what it is. So when he finds out that she is a photographer, he hires her to travel with the band to take photos for their new album. But soon Lexi and Dash are giving into the attraction between them, and must face more than they ever expected when their passionate night together leads to a broken condom. 

I cannot even begin to state how much I loved both Dash and Lexi. These two were so much fun to read about, and I absolutely adored them together. Dash was at first glance your typical rockstar, used to sleeping around with no want or need for commitment. But with Lexi he was instantly different, seeing how special she was. He didn't have any problems staying faithful to her or changing from who he was to the man she deserved. I loved that while he knew his feelings were growing for her, he went with it rather than completely freaking out and acting like a jerk as is typical for this type of hero. Lexi was fun and feisty, and I loved how freaking cool this chick was. She was everything you want to root for when it comes to a heroine, and it was so easy to like her. Her character was so refreshing, and it was nice to see a heroine that could handle a group of rockstars and not let insecurities and jealousy take over and create unnecessary problems. She was the perfect match for Dash, and their relationship was one that I couldn't get enough of. Add that to the amazing connection that they had and off the charts chemistry, and these two could not have been more enjoyable to read about. 

Besides these fantastic characters though, I really just loved every single thing about this story! It was well written and engaging, and I didn't want to put this one down for anything! I was captivated right from the start, with L.P. Maxa's writing style instantly drawing me into the story. I loved not only the main characters, but the secondary ones as well! Each member of the band was so unique and different, and I loved the camaraderie that they shared. These guys were so funny and adorable when it came to how they welcomed Lexi right into their family, and I couldn't wait for each time they were all together to see what would happen. I also felt like this story itself was refreshing, with the drama and conflict being something new and original. There wasn't the typical cliches that you often find with this type of story, and I cannot even begin to tell you how happy that made me. Overall, this story was an absolute win all around for me and I would highly recommend it. Though there is an ending here, it definitely sets up for the next book in the series. I for one can't wait for the next book, which Maxa said at the end of Play Nice will be Smith's story. It cannot get here soon enough, and I know I will be first in line to get it when it comes out.

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