
ARC Review: Anything But Broken by Joelle Knox

The thing that will stand out to you about reading this book is that it is exceptionally well written. There is an intensity of emotion that is conveyed to us completely on the strength of the authors’ ability to tell this story. I am giving this book 4 stars and I am not even a NA reader, I usually stick to contemporary and erotic romance. This book, however, was really something special in terms of the characters, the story told and the clear ability of the authors.

Anything But Broken is the story of Sean and Hannah. What you may not find in the synopsis (but that won’t spoil things for you) is how intensely messed up Hannah is in this book. Hannah is suffering from a self hatred of the highest order and she guards it with a zealousness that is heartbreaking. One of my favorite things about this book was watching Hannah discover a new way of thinking and viewing the world. The other thing you might not get from the synopsis is what a good guy the Hero Sean is. If you are looking for a book boyfriend, you found him. Sean is strong, consistent, tolerant and understanding. Add in his rough edge and fast driving and we are in major swoon territory. I think you will love Sean.

I have to say, I’m still a little mystified about why the emergence of the romance between Sean and Hannah didn’t raise more eyebrows given Sean’s prior relationship with Hannah’s dead sister but ok, I guess. The relationship between the characters is very well developed, the connection is heartfelt and conveyed through a number of sweet interactions that make you feel the realness of the love between the two. I was captivated by Hannah’s isolation and agony and Sean’s slow break down of her defenses. The issues from Hannah’s past add a rich context to this story. Her struggle with the decision about her mother was layered with so many emotions it was just fascinating.

I also like the supporting cast, particularly Sean’s best friend. I liked the fact that people wanted to protect Sean from the Casey drama, that made sense to me and gave more credibility to the plot. The reason I’m not giving this book 5 stars is because there were some parts that you might find a little slow. There is a lot of effort put into building the story and explaining character emotion. The downside to that effort is that sometimes you might feel like the plot isn’t moving forward as quickly as you might like. Despite that minor issue, this book is worth your time, especially if you are a NA romance fan.

**ARC provided by Author**

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