
ARC Review: Blow by Kim Karr

Blow is the first installment in the Tainted Love Duet from Kim Karr, and this book was unlike anything we have previously seen from Karr. It does end with a cliffhanger, but luckily the second installment, Crush, is schedule for a November 2015 release so there isn't a ton of waiting. This book had a ton going on, and I couldn't wait to see what would happen next. I am definitely anxious for the next installment, and ready to find out what happens after where Blow left off. 

After her sister disappears, Elle heads to Boston to help her brother-in-law out with his young daughter. Though they tell everyone that her sister Lizzy is at rehab, the truth is that she was involved in something much more dangerous and they haven't put together all the pieces. When Elle meets Logan, the attraction between them is instant. But Logan is somehow involved in everything that is surrounding her sister and both of them don't know if they can trust each other, even if they want to. With time running out and two sides fighting with deadly consequences, can Elle and Logan figure out what is really going on and have something together? 

Logan and Elle were each a mystery for much of this book, with bits and pieces being revealed slowly. They both had painful pasts that had a huge effect on the people they were now. But in each other they found an undeniable connection that they had never felt with anyone else. With so much going on here, they were constantly wanting to trust one another yet forced to be wary of everyone including each other. But the one thing that was clear is that they were developing feelings for one another. Elle felt safe with Logan, and Logan wanted to protect her at all costs. I really enjoyed seeing their connection grow as they got to know one another better and I really liked them together. The chemistry between them was so strong, and these two were super hot together. 

When it comes to the story, this book took place over the course of seven days. It was pretty quick for these two to have met and fallen for one another, yet it all felt very real and believable to me. The circumstances surrounding their situation really intensified their connection and I found myself falling right along with them. There are so many different players involved here and things are far from over. Just when it looked like things might finally be close to ending, Kim Karr threw us for a loop! I was captivated right away and I felt instantly invested in what would happen to these characters. I have my suspicions on what I think is going on and who is involved, but the one thing that is clear is that anyone and everyone could be involved and we won't know exactly what is going on until we get to read Crush. The one thing that I will say is that although there is a lot going on here and in a relatively short amount of time, this book seemed to be pretty slow paced to me. This was especially true for me in the first half of the book, with things starting to pick up a little bit towards the second half. While I was curious to see what would happen and wanted to know more, I found myself wanting to put it down a few times and walk away for awhile which kind of surprised me. I really like Logan and Elle though, and I am looking forward to the next installment in their story. I definitely recommend this and other books by Kim Karr though as she is a great writer and I have enjoyed everything I have read by her.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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