
ARC Review: Falling for Danger by Chanel Cleeton

I am so sad now that I've finished this series. From the first page of Falling for Danger I was hooked. No lie. The prologue had me feeling butterflies and it just made me all that more anxious to get to the story and oh what a good story it was. I honestly couldn't put the book down. It was sexy and intense and had me guessing right up until the end.

First let me just say that reunion stories are my crack. Crack I tell you! They are my ultimate favorite trope and Chanel Cleeton did this trope justice. Matt and Kate were perfection and they were everything that I was wanting when I picked up this book and more. I've been dying for their story and oh what a story it was. I won't really get into because I don't want to give away any spoilers but oh how my heart broke for these two at times. Throughout most of the book I had butterflies in my stomach because of these two. To say they had crazy chemistry just isn't cutting it. The sparks between these two were electric and you can't help but root for them and hope that they can get things figured out so they can have their long awaited HEA.

In the previous books I wasn't really quite sure of my feelings for Kate. It was evident that she was still reeling from Matt's death but other than that I wasn't sure how I would like her. Once I started reading this book and got inside her head I was able to understand her and where she was coming from. There is just so much pain that she is still dealing with regarding Matt and she will stop at nothing to avenge him and honor his memory. I found her to be incredibly brave and endearing.

Matt oh Matt. How my heart broke for him and everything that he's been through. The last four years have been hell for him and at times it hurt to read about the things he had to deal with. Understandably Matt was an intense character and the bits and pieces we see through his eyes were hard to see.

The thing that I loved about this book is there isn't any petty drama and even though the characters are young they don't act immature and play games. Off the bat you get a real sense of the feelings these two have for one another and that they will do anything to keep the other save. I will say that I was slightly disappointed by the ending because I don't feel like it was wrapped up well enough. I feel like the whole book leads up to this explosive finale and then it just kind of fizzled out. Not the ending I would have picked for these two especially after everything they went through.

All in all I still loved this book. It was definitely my favorite in the series and I just couldn't get enough. I'm sad that it's over.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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