
ARC Review: Only a Kiss by Mary Balogh

I liked Only a Kiss. It had a bit more action than the previous book, Only a Promise. It wasn't too overwhelming though. All the characters' secrets are not revealed immediately. They just give you a little taste at a time making you want to continue reading to find out and understand. I still felt that sense of calmness from Balogh's writing style. I never felt rushed to read, but I couldn't put the book down.

Imogen Hayes is a widow who is a part of the Survivor's Club. The Survivor's Club is a group of seven individuals who came together at Penderris Hall to heal from the Napoleonic War. Not all the wounds needing healing were physical. This is the case with Imogen. What she faced in the war and how she came to deal with it shape everything about her. I had a hard time understanding her actions because the full extent of her experience is withheld until almost the very end. Once you learn though, it all comes together and makes so much sense.

Percy Hayes was frustrating to say the least. Looking back I see that it was necessary to his roll in the book that he behave boorishly, but because of it he never grew on me. He has had a wonderful life full of wealth and love, and yet he complains of boredom. One drunken night he decides he should finally check out property (Hartford Hall) he inherited two years prior. Keeping his word he sets out the next day.

Percy and Imogen clash at the beginning when they meet at Hartford Hall. I still don't remember at what point Imogen's dislike turns into fondness. The change must have been very subtle since I missed it. Both character's past experiences and how they handle themselves because of it is what made this book enjoyable for me. I didn't feel that strong of a pull from the love between Imogen and Percy. It's there and definitely worth reading, just not as heart tugging as some of my favorite romances.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sophia Rose said...

I wasn't sure if I would like this one at first, but it grew on me. Nice review, Britney!

Bryher said...

Thank you, Sophia!

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