
ARC Review: Sexy by J.A. Huss

I am a huge fan of JA Huss! I love her edgy characters and writing style, and I know that whatever I read from her will be something new and different. She always writes something completely original and fresh. Sexy is a standalone contemporary romance, which is something a bit different from her typical story. It was really great though, and just proved that she can write anything!

Fletcher Novak is used to women wanting him and he knows exactly what both men and women alike are looking for. He works as a stripper, but he also coaches women in how to get the man of their dreams. So even though Tiffy Preston dislikes Fletcher instantly, she knows that he can definitely get her the man she hasn't been able to get to notice her before. But is she ready to let him tell her exactly what to do, and what happens when she can't help but start to see what all the other women see in him? 

Fletcher was more than just a sexy body and charming personality. He was deeper than what most gave him credit for. I loved him right from the start, and I enjoyed his honest and blunt delivery with others. He always told them how it was and he didn't say anything that he didn't mean. There were no false promises or lies, yet he had a way of flattering women. Tiffy was hard for me to connect to though, and if I am honest I really didn't like her for most of this book. She irritated me, and I hated how she treated Fletcher. She made assumptions and judgments, and she never really made any effort to get to know who he was even when she was proved wrong. Fletcher was constantly telling her that she didn't know him and she would admit that was true, but she wouldn't ever really ask him anything about himself either. I wanted her to stop judging him and assuming that she knew exactly what was going on when it was clear that she didn't. These two had a ton of chemistry though, and the sparks were clear from the beginning. They were sexy together and generated a ton of steam. 

Overall, this was a good story and Fletcher is definitely worth the read alone. He is so much more than meets the eye, and I really enjoyed getting to see what was beneath his gorgeous exterior. JA Huss is a great writer, and she never disappoints. Fans of hers will enjoy this book and I think those who might have been hesitant to try her darker stories will really like Sexy. I enjoyed it from beginning to end and didn't want to put it down. I can't wait to see what Huss writes next!

**ARC Provided by Author**

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Sue G. said...

I got this book and can't wait to read it!

Sophia Rose said...

So glad the hero made the book so good. Unique situation.

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