
ARC Review: Sustained by Emma Chase

Sustained is the second book in The Legal Briefs series by Emma Chase, with each book being a standalone novel about interconnected characters. If you are new to the series, don't worry about jumping in here though as I hadn't read the first book and had no problems with Sustained. This book was sexy and sweet, and I really liked the characters. I will definitely be reading more in the series and can't wait to go back and read Overruled. 

Jake Becker is used to keeping his life as simple and drama free as possible. He is great at his job and prides himself on his blunt but honest approach to life. He likes his hookups to be one night only, and strictly sex with no strings. But everything changes for him when he meets Chelsea McQuaid and her six orphaned nieces and nephews. What starts out as Jake helping Chelsea with some legal problems quickly turns into more, and suddenly Jake finds himself knee-deep in things he never planned on. But between the One Direction concerts, emergency room visits, and piano lessons, Jake finds the McQuaids getting under his skin. But can he give up the life he had for the one he never expected he would want? 

I really loved Jake! He was so sexy and such a great guy. I loved his no-nonsense approach to everything he did, and I loved how he threw himself into helping Chelsea and the kids with no hesitation. He saw something in all of them and it was just this instant connection with all of them. Seeing him help each kid and treat them as though they were people and not children made me love him so much more. He was great with them without trying to hard or going to extremes. He just had to be himself and they all loved him for it. I didn't feel as connected to Chelsea here as I did Jake, and I think part of that was that this book is told from Jake's POV. It was harder to get to know her and what made her tick. I felt like we didn't really did deep when it came to her character, other than the brief conversations about what her life and interests had been before her brother died and the kids became her responsibility. I wish that we had seen a bit more of just her with Jake, and been given more development between them. When they were together it was great, but unfortunately the kids sort of took over here and stole the show leaving little time for just Jake and Chelsea. I did love the moments that it was just them though, and they definitely had a ton of chemistry. 

I am not the biggest fan of kids in romance novels, simply because they do tend to steal the show. As adorable as they are, I am always left feeling as though the connection between the hero and heroine just tends to never fully develop for me and if it does that the reader doesn't get to really see it. That was the case for me here, with the six children. I loved them and found them beyond entertaining. Their personalities were so different, and I felt as though Emma Chase did a great job making them each so unique and different. But I also felt like with the six of them and the constant shenanigans that there was just too much going on. It was just too big a part of the story for me to really feel as though Chelsea and Jake had a relationship that was separate from the kids. It was a ready made family, and I would have liked to have seen them bond more as a pair beyond just as a whole. I did love them all together though and that isn't to say that I didn't like the way things ended up. I will definitely be looking for more from Emma Chase in the future though, and I am really excited to read the first book as well as the next book featuring Brent. I can't wait to get to know him better after seeing him here. If you are a fan of Emma Chase, this is definitely one you won't want to miss. Funny, sexy, and sweet, this book has everything you could want in a great romance story.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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