
ARC Review: Uncontrollable by C.A. Harms

Uncontrollable is the third book in the Key West series from C.A. Harms. Each book can be read as a standalone story with interconnected characters. The Key West series is also a spin-off of her Southern Boys Series, but you do not need to have read those books in order to read these. While it isn't necessary to read these in order since they are standalones, I do think that you get the most enjoyment from the series by reading them in order as each book sets up the next one and you do get to know the characters better that way. Plus these books are just really great stories, and C.A. Harms never disappoints! 

Kade and Avery have both been drawn to each other for the past year, though neither of them has acted on it. Kade has a painful past that he has been trying to forget, but he can't seem to let go of. Avery wants to pursue Kade, but she knows that he needs to let go of his past if they ever have a chance at something real together. So when they finally give in to the attraction between them, Avery thinks that things will finally be different. But Kade scared of what his feelings for Avery are becoming, pulls a jerk move that has Avery ready to move on for good. Kade knows that he messed up the second after he does, but he also knows that Avery deserves better than him and anything he can offer. But when the unexpected happens, Kade realizes that it is time to finally grow up and move on once and for all. He knows that it will take everything to win Avery back after how he acted, but will it be too late for him to get another chance with her? 

I really liked these two. Avery was sweet and kind, and always looking out for others. She was stuck in an impossible situation here, and yet I thought that she handled it very well. She was so supportive and caring, and that was exactly what Kade needed. Kade had so much pain and guilt, and his anger had been holding back for so long. Avery helped him to see that it was time for him to grow up and that his anger wouldn't change anything. I really enjoyed seeing the man that Kade was able to be once he finally saw the light, and I really admired the man he was underneath it all. He was so full of love and happiness, and it was so refreshing to see a man that was able to turn his life around and really embrace the ones he loved. These two were great together, and I really felt their connection. They had a lot of chemistry as well and were super hot together, but it was their bond that really made these two so special. 

My one complaint here was that I felt like the big conflict here was a bit glossed over and things were a bit too easily resolved. Kade had a lot to move on from and make up for, and while I was glad that things ended how they did, I also felt it was a bit unrealistic how quick and easy things changed. I wanted to see a bit more of the recovery for him and really see that things were better, and I felt like it was pretty instant. Not that I didn't love him for changing and becoming better, I guess I just wanted to see more of the whole process. But I loved these two together and I really love this series. I am really excited to read the next book after how things were set up here. Jude is one of those characters that is mostly a mystery, even to his friends, so I am very interested to see more of him and his story. I am a huge C.A. Harms fan, and each new book I read from her just solidifies her spot as one of my favorites. She always writes such wonderful and emotional stories, and I am always looking forward to more from her.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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