
Guest Post with Author Julia Talbot and Giveaway #CMCon16

Meet Julia Talbot author of romances of all genders, from GLBT to traditional. Specializing in hot werewolves, naughty historicals and the occasional smokejumper or cowboy. Julia is one of the fabulous featured authors that will be at the Coastal Magic Convention in February in Daytona Beach. 

Julia Talbot lives in the great Southwest, where there is hot and cold running rodeo, cowboys, and everything from meat and potatoes to the best Tex-Mex. A full time author, Julia has been published by Samhain Publishing, Dreamspinner Press, Torquere Press and Changeling Press. She believes that everyone deserves a happy ending, so she writes about love without limits, where boys love boys, girls love girls, and boys and girls get together to get wild, especially when her crazy paranormal characters are involved.

What is this femme domme, anyway?

Hey y’all!

I’m Julia Talbot, and I write romance across all genders and most genres. Most of my readers know me for GLBT and paranormal, but I also write traditional romance and menage. Lately, under my new secondary pseudonym, Minerva Howe, I’ve been exploring the spicier side of love with some BDSM, and my upcoming release with Samhain Publishing is a mmf menage historical femme domme.

Yep. You should have heard me pitch that one to my editor.

So, what is this femme dome stuff? Well, it’s BDSM or dominance and submission where the woman holds the whip, to put it bluntly. Back when I first started writing romance, only a few people had written femme domme with any success. Ann Rice, for instance, has a great deal of it in her Sleeping Beauty books. I’ve always enjoyed reading it in erotica, but it wasn’t until I read Joey W Hill that I realized how well done it could be. (Seriously, y’all, ready Holding All the Cards or Natural Law.)

So, last year I set about writing a mmf femme domme. That means the woman is in charge, but the two men in the story love each other as well as the lady.

I’m so tickled with how it came out. I think it’s my best menage to date because the femme domme aspect gives Felice, my heroine, an element of power, which really takes out the inherent imbalance in a historical. Matthias, the sub in the story, needs what Felice gives him without managing to be weak, and their lover Simon can just be a lover without the onus of being a dominant jerk. I love the dynamic of the story so much I’ve started a second book, this one not a historical, that I hope to have in next month so maybe it can come out in spring or summer 2016.

What do y’all think about a woman in charge? Do you have any favorite reads to rec me?

I’ll be at Coastal Magic in Daytona from Feb 4 to 7 2016. I hope y’all will come! 

In the meantime, The Mistress and her Men is available for presale in late September and releases in October from Samhain

Come and visit me on the web at my newly remodeled website!

Thanks so much for having me, and I hope to see y’all at CM

Julia Talbot – Love the Skin You’re In

The path to love isn’t always a straight line. Sometimes it’s a triangle.

When Simon realizes his dearest friend is in real trouble with gambling, whoring and daredeviling, he hits on the perfect solution: provide Matthias with an outlet for his self-destructive urges. While Simon would be more than willing to take on the task himself, Matthias has always fought their “unnatural” attraction.

As London’s Mistress of Discipline, Felice Grey wears her independent and scandalous reputation with confidence. She’ll take on Matthias for one night as a favor to Simon—even break her own rules to let Simon watch. She never expected that Matthias’s struggle against his feelings for Simon would touch her heart, or that she’d feel drawn to both men. Especially since Simon’s dominant nature makes it unlikely he’ll bend to her will.

Simon, barely surviving the night’s session, withdraws to his country estate in hopes that his two favorite people will find each other. Felice and Matthias must make a decision—let happiness fall by the wayside, or pursue it—and damn the risk.

Warning: Nothing can stop this femme domme from claiming both her men, and nothing can stop her from showing them how to claim each other. Not whips, or chains, or even too-tight corsets...

Pre-Order: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • What do y’all think about a woman in charge? Do you have any favorite reads to rec me?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Julia Talbot for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

I have no problem with a woman being in charge, but I don't recall ever reading a story like that.

Marcy Meyer said...

I don't mind a woman in charge, but I have not read anything with a dominant woman. I think it would be quite interesting.

erin said...

ooh... I don't mind reading about a woman in charge :) haven't really read any that center on a dominatrix though. Thanks for sharing!

bevieann 61 said...

I like women being in charge!! I grew up with 8 boys! I was the only girl! So I had to boss at all costs!!

bevieann 61 said...

I like women being in charge!! I grew up with 8 boys! I was the only girl! So I had to boss at all costs!!

bevieann 61 said...

I like women being in charge!! I grew up with 8 boys! I was the only girl! So I had to boss at all costs!!

Rita Wray said...

Love women in charge.

Melissa said...

I love women being in charge!

Natalie said...

I love a woman in charge unless she is too bossy.

Glenda said...

Shouldn't a woman always be in charge? ;-)

Mary Preston said...

We should be in charge. Men just mess things up.

Ada said...

It's a nice change to see women in charge, should happen more often!

Unknown said...

Can totally get on board with woman in charge. Desiree Holt wrote a female Dom story called Bite the Bullet. It's from her Rawhide series.

Jo's Daughter said...

Can't remeber reading a book where the woman was in charge, but it sounds fun!

Theresa N. said...

Nothing wrong with it and no I don't no of a book.
Theresa N

Anonymous said...

I love when women are in charge.

Jbst said...

Think it's fine to have a woman in charge. No recommendations for you.

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