
Guest Post with Author Shana Galen and Giveaway

Meet Shana Galen author of The Rogue You Know.

Shana Galen is the bestselling author of passionate Regency romps, including the RT Reviewers' Choice The Making of a GentlemanKirkus says of her books, "The road to happily-ever-after is intense, conflicted, suspenseful and fun," and RT Bookreviews calls her books “lighthearted yet poignant, humorous yet touching." She taught English at the middle and high school level off and on for eleven years. Most of those years were spent working in Houston's inner city. Now she writes full time. She's happily married and has a daughter who is most definitely a romance heroine in the making. Shana loves to hear from readers, so send her an email or see what she's up to daily on Facebook and Twitter.

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Inspired by Bad Boys

When we think about Regency England, we tend to think of the balls, the carriages, the gowns. We forget that for every duke or marquess, there were hundreds of thieves and pickpockets living in the slums of the city. Covent Garden was an area of London with plenty of rookeries, and the thieves who lived there often banded together because there’s protection in numbers. My fictional gang called the Covent Garden Cubs is made up of the leader Satin, his second-in-command Beezle, and an assortment of pickpockets and house-breakers with names like Gap, Racer, and Stub. The gang also has one girl, Marlowe, and I wrote about her in Earls Just Want to Have Fun. Her best friend in the gang in Gideon, and he’s the hero in The Rogue You Know. Gideon is the ultimate bad boy who can cheat, lie, and steal with the best of them. He was orphaned at a young age and had no choice but to steal to survive. Now Gideon wants a different life for himself, and if he can just complete one last job, he’ll have it…or die trying.

When writing about my bad boy hero, I had plenty of inspiration.

1. James Malory from Gentle Rogue by Johanna Lindsey

You can’t get much badder than James Malory. He’s the black sheep of a family of bad boys. He’s an ex-pirate and a bit commitment phobic. But when he meets Georgina, he meets his match. Does he take advantage of her when she’s his “cabin boy”? Pretty much. Does he do the right thing in the end? Definitely.

2. Devil Cynster from Devil’s Bride by Stephanie Laurens

Devil is a rake and an unrepentant one. He’s also the baddest of a group of bad boys with names like Scandal, Lucifer, and Demon. Like James Malory, he’s not expected to ever renounce his bachelor status, but when he meets Honoria (and compromises her), he proposes. She turns him down! Who doesn’t love a bad boy who has to change his ways for the lady he loves?

3. Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

I loved Holden Caulfied from the moment I opened Salinger’s book. He’s not really a romance hero—some might argue he’s not a hero at all—but he’s definitely a bad boy. He doesn’t follow society’s rules, and he’s all about rebellion. He’s smart funny, and cynical—the perfect bad boy. He doesn’t always see himself accurately, but one thing I love about bad boy heroes is that they don’t always see their good points the way the heroine does.

4. Han Solo

The captain of the Millennium Falcon in Star Wars was my first crush. I adored his sarcasm, his cynicism, and his devil-may-care attitude. He was the perfect foil for the naïve and wide-eyed Luke Skywalker. What’s a bad boy without some baggage, and Han had a price on his head. Gideon too is running from his past and the crime lord who’s made him a wanted man. But desperation can lead to soul-searching and eventually Han and Gideon show that at their inner core, they are good.

5. Danny in Grease

We’ve all seen Grease so many times we forget that Travolta’s character was really a bad boy. He’s dangerous for Sandy’s reputation and just plain dangerous, period. But like any bad boy we love, love wins Danny over and he’s willing to change to be with the woman who means everything.

I enjoyed taking inspiration from each of these bad boys and creating the character of Gideon. He may be bad, but he’s not incapable of reforming. Unlike Devil Cynster and James Malory, Gideon isn’t from the upper classes, but he doesn’t let that stop him from getting what he wants. He’s so much more than he thinks he is, and with Susanna’s love, he’s able to realize that full potential. That’s what my books are about—characters for whom love is a catalyst for new adventures and experiences.

Who are your favorite redeemed rogues?

She's beyond his reach...

Gideon Harrow has spent his life in London's dark underworld-and he wants out. A thief and a con, he plans one last heist to finally win his freedom. But when everything goes wrong, he finds himself at the tender mercies of one of Society's most untouchable women-Lady Susanna Derring.

...and out of her depth.

Susanna has spent her life in London's glittering ton, under the thumb of a domineering mother-and she wants out. When a wickedly charming rogue lands at her feet, she jumps at the chance to experience life before it's too late. But as she descends into London's underworld, she finds that nothing- not even Gideon-is as it seems. As excitement turns to danger, Susanna must decide what price she's willing to pay...for the love of a reformed thief.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Historical romance Book Bundle
  • 10 Print copies of Earls Just Want to Have Fun

To Enter:
  • Who are your favorite redeemed rogues?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Kim said...

Congratulations on the new book. They come from different economic backgrounds. That sounds interesting.

Cathy P said...

Congratulations on your new release. The only redeemed rogues I can think of right now are some of the ones you just mentioned.

sheryl said...

I liked Devil Cynster and Sebastian Ballister the Marquess of Dain

Carol L. said...

I love Devil Cynster. And he turned out so well. I also love Roarke from JD Robb's In Death series.
I know there are a ton of bad boys I've loved but I guess it's too e arly :) Shana Your Son's of the Reveloution series is one of my favorites.Sebastien Harcourt is another bad boy.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
Carol L

Unknown said...

Any of the Cynster's, any of the Tenacious Trents & Heath, the Earl of Ravensdale,in Wagers Gone Awry

Jen B. said...

I love Cam Rohan from Lisa Kleypas. He's dark and brooding and a Gypsy. Best part, he's devoted to Amelia!

Shana said...

They come from very different backgrounds, Kim! Thanks for stopping by.

Shana said...

They're great ones! Thanks, Cathy.

Shana said...

Great choices, Sheryl.

Shana said...

Yes, Bastien is! I too love Roarke, Carol.

Shana said...

Great rogues, Dee!

Shana said...

I like Cam too. I couldn't wait for his book the first time he walked onto the page.

Laurie G said...

Lecia Cornwall's Nick, the Duke of Temberlay in How To Deceive a Duke. The scene when he, known as The Devil, realizes how much he loves Meg after she's been kidnapped, brought tears to my eyes.

Natasha Persaud said...

James Mallory from Johanna Lindsey Mallory Series I just love him he makes me jelly kneed

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