
Interview with Author Jennifer Fusco and Giveaway

Jennifer Fusco began writing romance in 2010 as a way to expend the excess creative energy which wasn’t exhausted by her day job A fan of all genres, Ms. Fusco enjoys reading and writing contemporary romance. She loves creating incredibly flawed characters because, well, nobody’s perfect. Fighting For It, a contemporary sports romance, will debut from Penguin Intermix on September 15, 2015.

Jennifer received her B.A in English from North Carolina State University, and today, lives in southwest Florida with her husband and son.

Hi! Thanks for having me on the blog today. I’m so excited to introduce myself to fellow romance lovers. My first book, FIGHTING FOR IT, is a contemporary sports romance and released on September 15th. It’s great to be here, and talk about books, writing, and other fun stuff with people who love the romance genre as much as I do.

First off, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Sure! I live in southwest Florida where it’s hot, hot, hot! Our family moved here about two years ago, and I’m still getting used to the size of the bugs. LOL. Being so hot, it’s always time to hit the pool, and read under the shade. Some of my favorite authors are: Kristen Ashley, Nora Roberts, Cecy Robson, and Sara Humphreys, just to name a few.

What do you do when you’re not writing?
I’m a soccer mom. I enjoy watching my son’s team play. Its great fun and he and his buddies have a great time, win or lose. Although, last season, they lost. A lot. LOL.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Yes. Although when I was younger I didn’t know how. I was lucky that one day I decided to find out how, then figuring out what to write was another challenge. However, about six years ago, I was fortunate to find a local romance writing group, and they got the writerly ball rolling for me. The people I met in that group are some of the best friends I have today.

Why did you write a romance about boxing?
That’s an easy question. I know a lot about boxing because my father was a professional boxer in the 70’s and 80’s. He fought heavyweight, and after he retired he became a coach and boxing promoter. I know a lot of the behind-the-scenes information and what really happens in boxing (sometimes it’s not pretty). I thought I could bring that level of realism to a romantic story.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book in 140 characters or less?
Boxer meets beautiful trainer. He’s hot, and she’s all kinds of cool. Sexy times ahead.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
The hotter, the better. For contemporary, I like to read Kate Meader’s books. They’ve got just the right amount of oh-my-god-she –didn’t to keep a reader turning the page. I also like to read anything by Tara Sue Me. Her books are erotic romance, and she also creates wonderfully deep and complex characters. I simply adore her writing.

What’s your favorite book?
Easy question. Hand’s down its Angel’s Fall by Nora Roberts.

Tell us something we don’t know about Fighting For It.
The heroine, Daniella Chambers, is a combination of names. Daniella, is named for my friends and beta reader, Danielle Baily, who I couldn’t have finished the book without. And, Chambers is my maiden name.

How about an excerpt of FIGHTING FOR IT.


“I’m running this show,” she said clearly, assuredly. “The sooner you accept it, the better off you’ll be.”

He took a step toward her. “And if I don’t?”

When she didn’t respond, he took another step forward. She didn’t flinch. She couldn’t. This was the time to show she was in charge. Then he took another step closer, then another until they were face-to-face.

His musky scent radiated off his body. His icy stare bore deep into her, drilling to the core of her nerves. She couldn’t let him have his way. He’d driven her out of Stamina once before. That summer, all those years ago, she was young and did what she was told. But now she was a woman. And this was her business; he was her fighter.

He’d learn to accept it or he could . . .

Wait. Where was he going?

Jack stepped beside her, then kept walking past her. She turned and allowed her eyes to follow him down the length of the gym. He opened the door. Sunlight cast across the concrete, but as quickly as it lit the floor, it was gone.

And so was Jack.

Thank you so much for having me. If you’d like to try FIGHTING FOR IT for yourself, or recommend it to a friend.

I’d love to hear from you. Please visit my website, or follow me on Twitter @jenniferafusco to stay in touch!!

Thanks so much for having me today!

The first in a sexy new series where the hard-hitters of Las Vegas’s Stamina boxing gym are K.O.-ed by the women they never saw coming...

After suffering a devastating loss during his last fight, heavyweight boxer Jack Brady’s whole career went down for the count. Now, his late manager’s daughter has inherited his contract and Jack is pleased to discover that the girl he fell in love with as a kid has grown into a strong, sexy woman—until she makes it clear that Jack has no choice but to get in the ring.

Daniella Chambers is determined to get her father’s failing gym back on track with Jack’s upcoming fight. She knows Jack’s got the talent to become champion and decides to force the unmotivated fighter away from the neon lights of Vegas to train in the seclusion of her lake house. But when they take a time out from their sessions to steam up the bedroom, the urge to win gets all tangled up with their desires.

Now, Jack’s fight is swiftly approaching, and the fate of the gym isn’t the only thing on the ropes...

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Fighting for It

To Enter:
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Jennifer Fusco for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


krg said...

Thanks for the post, I love finding out the backstory on how ideas for your book started. That's interesting about being raised around boxing. It is something I know little about. I thing this sound intriguing and I would definitely love to check it out. =D

erin said...

Congrats to Jennifer on her new release! It's so fun to find out the backstory of this book :) thanks for sharing!

Jenn McElroy said...

Looks like a great read!

Jennifer Fusco said...

Thanks so much for commenting, y'all. Please enter the giveaway. Also, routinely, I give away stuff from my newsletter ALL, THE, TIME, so don't hesitate to sign up. Find it at and thanks for dropping by!!

Sue G. said...

Congrats on your first book! Haven't read a boxing story before. Sounds interesting.

Jennifer Fusco said...

Thanks so much for checking it out. I hope you'll enjoy FIGHTING FOR IT.

Jennifer Fusco said...

Thank you!!

Jennifer Fusco said...

You bet! Thanks for dropping by!

Jennifer Fusco said...

Yeah, it wasn't a normal childhood for sure. :) I appreciate your interest in the series.

Cecy said...

I am beyond honored to be listed among your favorite authors, Jennifer--and next to Nora Roberts, too! Wishing you best-selling success, a huge fan base, and years filled with book releases and happiness!

Mary Preston said...

I know absolutely nothing about boxing. Should be an eye opener.

Jennifer Fusco said...

You've known for years you're one of my faves.....always!

Jennifer Fusco said...

Hi Mary: I'd be honored if you'd check it out. The reviews have been very positive. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your release. Great interview. I would love to read your book.

Unknown said...

Congrats Jennifer on your new release!! Great interview!!

Unknown said...

Congrats Jennifer on your new release!! Great interview!!

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