
RFTC Back to School Event with Airicka Phoenix

Self-proclaimed romance addict, Airicka Phoenix lives in a world where unicorns, fairies and mermaids run amok through her home on a daily basis. When she's not chasing after pixies and rounding up imps, also known as her four children, she can be found conjuring imaginary friends to play with. Airicka is the prolific author of over eighteen novels for those who crave strong, female leads, sexy alpha heroes and out of control desires. She's a multi genre author who writes young adult, new adult and adult contemporary and paranormal romance.

For more about Airicka and the realm she rules with an iron fist--and tons of chocolate--visit her at:

Interview with Killian McClary

There aren’t many things I’m uncomfortable doing. Showering in public is probably at the very top of my list, followed closely by passing gas in an elevator when there is only one other person in the box to point the finger at. But, if I had a third, it would definitely be sitting across from the tall, dark haired, black eyed man waiting for me to stop rambling and interview him.

Airicka: “Hello Mr. McClary.”

One dark brow raises on a very nice forehead hidden beneath a wisp of hair.

Killian: “Considering you created me, it might be all right to call me Killian. Don’t you think?”

Happy girly sigh at the deep, Irish drawl.

Airicka: “I really try not to, unless forced. But Killian it is.” Clears throat. “So, Killian, how are you?”

Killian: “Fine.”

All right. Well, it wasn’t like I wanted to be asked how I am anyway. Pfft.

Airicka: “So, I know you’re a busy man so I won’t keep you from your world domination. I have a few quick questions about your childhood that I’m hoping you can tell our readers.” Straights in chair and shuffles papers all important like. “First question, where did you go to school?”

Killian: “I didn’t. My parents didn’t think it would be safe for me to attend an institution. Tutors were hired or my mother sat with me.”

Airicka: “That sounds kind of lonely. Did you have friends?”

Killian: “No, but I had Maraveet. She had her own tutors, but occasionally we would school together.”

Airicka: “What about other activities? Did you play any sports or attend any clubs?”

Killian: “No.”

Airicka: “So what did you do other than school work and sit around?”

Killian: “My father took me with him to business meetings. I sat in with him during phone conversations and through paperwork. I never had time for sports or clubs.”

Airicka: “What about friends? Did you see other kids, besides Maraveet?”

Killian: “No, it wasn’t safe.”

Airicka: “Right, because other children are carries of cooties and Ebola.”

Dark eyes narrow.

Killian: “You wrote me.”

Airicka: “No need to get snooty. Carrying on. If you could go back and change one thing from your past, what would it be?”

Killian: “I would kill Yegor Yolvoski before he could hurt my family.”

Airicka: “Right! But I mean otherwise. Like, instead of.”

Wood groaned beneath the shift of his body leaning back in his chair. One leg lifted and crossed casually over the other. An elbow was propped against the armrest. The hand curled loosely beneath his beautifully squared jaw. He regarded me through watchful eyes.

Killian: “No, I wouldn’t.”

Airicka: “Why? Sounds to me like you were practically a prisoner in your home.”

Killian: “I had my parents and Maraveet, and they loved me. I wanted for nothing. I traveled the world. I saw things no one else could possibly imagine. I learned on my father’s knees how to run an empire. I am where I am today because my parents did their best to give me everything I could possibly need.”

Airicka: “Were you ever lonely.”

Hesitation tightened the strong line of his jaw.

Killian: “Yes, I certainly wouldn’t wish my childhood on anyone, but for me, it made me the man I am today and I wouldn’t change that.”

Airicka: “Does that mean you’ll homeschool your children one day?”

Killian: “That is something I would have to discuss at lengths with Juliette. Both have had great results and have their own pros and cons. I’m sure the way I was homeschooled wouldn’t work for everyone, but it work for me and I will take that into consideration.”

Airicka: “What’s the thing you hated most about being homeschooled?”

Amusement glimmered around the deep contours of his eyes.

Killian: “I didn’t lose my virginity until I was seventeen.”

Airicka: “I feel for you.” Shuffle of papers. “Anything less … personal?”

Killian: “I was never into sports so I lost nothing there. I traveled for months at a time, so my social cues never suffered. I was loved, spoiled and wanted. But if I had to pick something, I would have to say it was getting out of the house more to do normal kid things. As I said, my circumstances are clearly much different from normal homeschooled children, but I was never alone. I had a security detail follow my every move, or I had my parents, who had their security detail, plus mine. I think that would be the only thing I would change.”

Airicka: “Understandable. So, I think that’s everything I can think of at this time.” Gets up, tucked papers into purse. “Thank you for your time.”

Killian: “Pleasure’s all mine.”

There it is, my interview with Killian McClary from my first Adult Dark Contemporary Romance novel, TRANSCENDING DARKNESS. I hope it was informative. I’ve never been homeschooled so I hope I did it justice. I have mad respect for parents who do. Lord know I never could.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Please remember to read the other posts, leave a comment and stalk the authors. Finally, a HUGE thank you to our host for making all this awesomeness possible!!! It was really sweet of you to let me join. ^_^

Loves & Kisses,

One: Sign the contract.

Juliette Romero had a debt to pay, a debt that wasn’t even hers. But it was the only way to keep her family safe and all she had to do was sell her body and soul to the devil.

Killian McClary wasn’t called the Scarlet Wolf for nothing. He’d been the head of the McClary Organization since he was fifteen and had built a reputation for being a ruthless son of a bitch when it came to running the city’s underbelly, not to mention merciless when it came to punishing those who betray him. He didn’t believe in weaknesses. Only results. Juliette, with her shy smiles and hot little body was a weakness unlike any other and yet he was powerless to resist one more taste of her sweet flesh.

Two: Become his for a year.

When given the choice between her life or her body, what could Juliette possibly do, but submit to a man whose very name invoked fear in the hearts of others? She just never anticipated falling for his dark, hungry eyes and clever hands, or the way the beast in him made her feel oddly safe and cherished.

But what will happen when Killian’s dark past finally catches up to him and threatens the woman he can no longer imagine himself without? What will happen when both sides find themselves caught in a web of passion, lies and broken promises? Can Juliette tame the wolf or will her love for him devour them both?

Three: Don’t fall in love.

Boundaries will be crossed, loyalties will be tested and lives will be changed forever.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Transcending Darkness

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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Airicka Phoenix for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Carol L. said...

Sounds like an intense read. Can't wait to read it. Thanks for the post and the chance to win.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Sophia Rose said...

Hmm, love getting the character interview and he does seem like a broody one with a complex personality. Look forward to reading the story.

Sue G. said...

This sounds intriguing. He sounds like he really likes control! ;)

Unknown said...

Thank you so very much, Carol!!! <3

Unknown said...

LOL Killian is nothing if not broody!! Thank you, Sophia! <3

Unknown said...

Oh, he most certainly does ;) LOL thank you very much, Sue! <3

Unknown said...

Thank you so so sooo much for having me and Killian on your fantastic blog!! ^_^ <3

bn100 said...

looks interesting

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