
RFTC Back to School Event with A.J.Pine

AJ Pine writes stories to break readers’ hearts, but don’t worry—she’ll mend them with a happily ever after. As an English teacher and a librarian, AJ has always surrounded herself with books. All have one big commonality–romance. Naturally, her books have the same. When she’s not writing, she’s of course reading. Then there’s online shopping (everything from groceries to shoes) and, of course, a tiny bit of TV where she nourishes her undying love of vampires and superheroes. And in the midst of all of this, you’ll also find her hanging with her family in the Chicago burbs.

Archer: Is it back to school time already? Back. To. School. It's been a few years, so let me get my bearings, here, hunkering down with a little treat from my lady love. HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER, FOLKS. I meant pie. Blueberry pie. Anyway folks, I'm Archer Kane. You can find out more about me in Lia Riley's RIGHT WRONG GUY, but today is about my good buddy, Adam Carson.

Okay we just met, but so what? Adam comes to us from A.J. Pine's ONE NIGHT, and I hear you play hoops. Is that right?

Adam: Is that your first question?

Archer: *talks over a mouthful of pie* Unh-huh.

Adam: *sighs* Yeah. I play college ball. Point guard.

Archer: I bet the ladies love an athlete. They sure loved watching me ride the hell out of a horse.

Adam: Was that another question, Archer?

Archer: *mouth too full to answer so he just nods*

Adam: *laughs* Yeah, girls don't mind the athletes, except there's one in particular who seems to want nothing to do with in that capacity. Naturally she's the one I can't stop thinking about. Her name is Jess.

Archer: Sounds like a heartbreak waiting to happen.

Adam: Haha. Yeah, but I know there's something there between us. I just need to be patient until she can see it.

Archer: Since I didn't do the college gig, what would you say is the most important thing to let our readers know about heading back to school?

Adam: The best moments happen over a shitty cup of coffee.

Archer: Or a great piece of pie. Amen, brother. How about a best memory and a worst memory of going back to school?

Adam: Both happened on the same day, actually. Started the year on the bench after blowing out my knee and having surgery. The day after the procedure, I met my PT's intern, and I fell for her.

Archer: Falling for the one, man. I know what you mean.

Adam: Makes your worst day your best.

Archer: Don't I know it! Well, partner, any other words of wisdom for the little whippersnappers going back to school?

Adam: Do you really say partner?

Archer: Just go with it!

Adam: Okay. Okay. Parting words. Hmmm...Find a girl worth taking a punch for. You'll realize nothing hurts as much as the possibility of losing her.

Archer: There you have it, folks. Star athlete by day, hopeless romantic by night--Adam Carson.

Find out more about Adam Carson and Jess, the girl worth taking a punch for, in ONE NIGHT. And stay tuned for book two in the Only You series, ONE LIFE, releasing October 20, 2015!

When she lost it all, Jess decided to cope by living a lie.

But you can’t keep on pretending forever…

Twenty-one-year-old Jess used to have everything—a loyal best friend, a boyfriend she loved, and a future that was right on track. But in a single night, her whole world changed.

Now, Jess lives for the impersonal connection of drunken hook-ups and to-go coffee cups in the morning. All she needs is one night to pretend everything is fine…until she meets Adam.

Thanks to a sports injury, gorgeous, charming basketball star Adam Carson is stuck in physical therapy at the hospital where Jess interns—giving her the perfect opportunity to see his sweet, considerate nature and making her realize that maybe she does want something more.

But while Adam might be the best thing that’s happened to Jess in a long time, letting him past her carefully constructed walls means letting him know what happened...and why he'd never want her for more than one night.

Includes a preview of the upcoming Only You novel, One Life.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Google | Kobo |
Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Signed ONE NIGHT teaser booklet + swag

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck!

Special thanks to AJ Pine for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Sue G. said...

Ooh, I always love sports books. Don't read many basketball ones, usually it's football, baseball or hockey!

Beautiful Disaster said...

I'm looking forward to reading a new author. Thanks for the post.

Carol L. said...

New Author for me so I'm looking forward to reading this. Thanks for the giveaway.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

bn100 said...

an interesting interview

MrsMac19 said...

Looks great! I'm quite curious now!

Betul E. said...

Sounds like a great read!

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