
RFTC Back to School Event with S.R. Grey

S.R. Grey is an Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author and a Barnes & Noble #1 Bestselling author. She is the author of the popular Judge Me Not series, the Inevitability duology, A Harbour Falls Mystery trilogy, and the new Laid Bare series of novellas. Ms. Grey's novels have appeared on Amazon and Barnes & Noble bestseller lists in multiple categories, including #1 on the Barnes & Noble Nook Bestsellers list last year.

New novels slated for 2015 release dates are a New Adult novel this fall, title to be revealed this summer, plus more Laid Bare series novellas. Also, a fourth Judge Me Not book (Will’s story) is due out this winter. 

Hey, everyone! *waves*

I’m Essa from the Inevitability series by S.R. Grey. I can’t believe it is back-to-school time already! Heck, summer flew by, didn’t it? But here we are, right?

If you’ve read the Inevitability novels, you know I’m attending a different university this fall. What a crazy year it’s been, right? Who would have dreamt I’d end up in New York City? And with the man I love . . . I just can’t even . . . *fans self like crazy*

Wait, what? You don’t know who I’m talking about? Guess you’ll just have to read Inevitable Detour and Inevitable Circumstances and find out for yourself. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did once you meet Farren Shaw.

Here’s an excerpt from the first book to show you where I was last year at this time. A different school, a different life, but I knew things had to change even then. And boy, have they ever!!


The day my life took an inevitable detour things got a little crazy.

My name is Essalin Brant, but everyone calls me Essa. I attend a small college in a tiny town, and in my twenty-two years of life I’ve never even traveled outside the state of Pennsylvania. You could say my life is pretty boring. I live by the rules. I’m a good girl and nothing exciting ever happens.

But that’s all about to change.

Enter Farren Shaw. Not only is he older and intimidating, but he’s more sure of himself than any 29-year-old man has a right to be. Did I mention that he’s drop-dead gorgeous? Well, he is. He also happens to be my best friend Haven’s brother. And I would be content with just fantasizing about Farren from afar, but when Haven suddenly goes missing, her gorgeous brother is the only one who believes me when I say she was abducted, even though all signs seem to suggest Haven left town willingly.

I know better, though. As does Farren. So when he asks me to accompany him to search for his sister, I accept.

That’s when the real adventure begins.

Our quest to find Haven takes us across the country. And throughout the time we spend together, I find myself falling for Farren . . . falling hard. He's everything I’ve ever wanted. But is he really someone I should fear?

Because aside from making me feel things I’ve never felt before, Farren is hiding something. Something big. What could this stunning man be keeping from me? And why? Is Haven’s disappearance somehow connected to his mysterious job?

All I know is that things are about to get real.

Welcome to the Inevitable Detour that has become my life.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |
I stare at the computer screen. It’s my last exam of spring semester, and there are only five questions left on the Strategic Management final before me.

My eyes are glued to words, forming a single question. I know the answer. Yes, I do. But then my vision blurs, and I think, ugh, whose idea was it for me to major in business?

Not mine.

The cursor on the screen blinks over answer choice B. Like I said, I know the correct answer, and it sure as hell isn’t B.

What to do…what to do…

With a sly grin, I choose B and hit next.

I am feeling particularly defiant today. My parents left me a voice mail this morning, telling me in no uncertain terms that any thoughts of heading up to New York City this summer with my best friend and roommate, Haven Shaw, are best put to rest. So much for thinking it’d be fun to hang out in the Big Apple with Haven while she worked on finding an agent, making acting contacts, and generally just doing whatever it is a person needs to do when preparing to land a part in a play someday.

And not just any play.

“Broadway, here I come,” Haven said the other day when we were discussing her big-city dreams.

She’s a bit theatrical, but that’s to be expected. She’s a theater major, after all. Her goal is to eventually make it as an actress on the Great White Way.

Conversely, my dreams are much smaller. My primary longing lately is for something—anything—to happen in my mundane life. I thought New York would be a promising start. Guess not. Thanks to my parents and their aversion to anything fun for Essa, there will be no excitement in my life this summer. Nope. Just like the two previous summers, I’ll be lulling away the time here at Oakwood College. Excitement for me will consist of chilling in the coffee shop on the edge of the tiny Pennsylvania town my small college is located in. My after-class afternoons will include exciting activities like staring out at cows and farmland, sipping on a mocha, and wishing and hoping for something more.

And that’s just not right.

I’m a damn straight-A student, for God’s sake. I don’t need to spend the summer at Oakwood, taking stupid summer classes. Unfortunately, my parents don’t care about my wants and needs. They believe their only child should apply herself year-round. Forget that I’m already a model daughter.

Well, more or less. But that’s neither here nor there.

Bottom line is that my parents will not, as they put it in their terse message, have me “veering off course.”

Oh, really? So they think…

My defiance hits full throttle, and I purposely choose the wrong answers for the next four questions.

I hit submit and think, take that, Mr. and Mrs. Brant.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $5 Amazon card + eBook of choice from backlist

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck!

Special thanks to S.R. Grey for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jo's Daughter said...

Your book sounds wonderful! Really enjoyed the except :)

Sophia Rose said...

I am so intrigued to find out his secret. And LOL, defiantly answering the questions wrong. Enjoyed the excerpt and blurb! Thanks!

Marcy Meyer said...

Sounds really good. Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Karen H said...

Since you are a new-to-me author, I'm not familiar with your work. This sounds like an exciting story that I would really enjoy reading.

bn100 said...

nice excerpt

Sue G. said...

This sounds very intriguing!

Anonymous said...

This sounds great! I love a good age-difference trope. :-)

Unknown said...

What's his secret? ahh!!!! I want to know!!!

MrsMac19 said...

Looks like a great read!

Rebecca James said...

Sounds interesting! :)

Linda Henderson said...

I enjoyed the excerpt and really want to read the rest of the story.

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