
ARC Review: Beyond What Is Given by Rebecca Yarros

Beyond What Is Given is the third standalone story in the Flight & Glory Series from Rebecca Yarros. Though the characters are interconnected, you can read these out of order with no problems though there will be some spoilers from the previous books if you choose to do that. I really love this series, and I couldn't wait to read more from Rebecca Yarros. That being said, this wasn't my favorite of the series. 

Grayson Masters is focused on graduating flight school and getting the assignment he needs. He doesn't need any distractions, and has kept himself closed off from anyone but his family for a reason. But when Samantha Fitzgerald moves in with him and his roommates, the instant connection between them threatens everything. Sam wasn't looking for anything either, having just left her own horrible situation behind. But the more they try to stay away from each other, the quicker they realize that it is impossible. Soon they are falling for one another, and neither of them knows what to do about it. 

I really liked Sam and Grayson at the beginning of this book. I loved the chemistry that was so apparent right from the start. They were attracted to one another, and though they got off on the wrong foot I really enjoyed seeing them interact with one another. As they began to feel more for one another I really thought that I was going to love their story. But then all their secrets started getting in the way of things, and unfortunately that was what really started to lose me. I understood some of where Gray was coming from and why he was so stuck on doing things according to the plan. But I also really hated how dead set he was on sticking to those, even knowing everything that he was doing to Sam because of them. He was hurting her by focusing so much on his past and a future that he was basically guilted into keeping, and I really wanted him to fight for Sam. I felt like he didn't really seem to do that until the very end, and it was frustrating. Same with Sam. She was beyond patient and accepting of the situation, but when given the chance for them to take a stand she chose to back off. I wanted her to claim Grayson and face everything together, but she seemed to just give in. It made it hard to really connect with these two, given that they seemed to just give up so easily. 

The Grace situation got old here for me, and quite frankly I lost a lot of interest because of it. It seemed to take over the story and was more about her than it was about Grayson and Sam. I absolutely hated Parker and Grayson's dad, and I hated the fact that Grayson continued to allow them to have such a strong impact on his life. He might have had words with them at times, but he never really seemed to do much about it, and I hated that he allowed them to get away with so much. While I admired Grayson's loyalty to them and Grace, I wanted to see that same loyalty to Sam. The fact that he knew what they had was everything and more than anything he had felt before yet he still didn't stop all the crap really just made me angry and caused me to lose a lot of respect for Grayson. The pacing here was also very slow and made this book feel far too long. I was getting bored and waiting for something to happen, yet we just kept going around in circles as the situation continued to go unresolved. Though I did like the epilogue and ending of this story, I really felt like there was just too much that had already happened to move past and be fully satisfied with the story. I liked Grayson and Sam together, but I hated the way things went for them and how much it took for Grayson to finally come around. I will read more from Rebecca Yarros in the future as I have really enjoyed the previous books in the series. This one was just frustrating and not what I had been expecting or hoping for.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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