
ARC Review: Jackson's Destiny by C.A. Harms

C.A. Harms has become one of my go-to authors for an all around great story. She never disappoints, and her books are always emotional and beautiful. So I couldn't wait to read Jackson's Destiny. This story is the second book in the Sawyer Brother's series, but it can be read as a standalone. Though the characters are interconnected, each book is about a different couple. This book was so good and I couldn't put it down. 

Jackson Sawyer was always the strong and confident one until a tragedy changed everything. The loss of his father was more than he knew how to deal with, and he found himself lost in his grief. Though his brothers and family tried to pull him out of it, it wasn't until Bailey Whitmore needed help that he found himself waking up. Bailey was dealing with her own painful past and had been struggling by herself as well. So when Jackson's brother Noah offered Bailey comfort, Jackson knew he had to step in and claim Bailey once and for all. But can Jackson and Bailey heal each other from their painful pasts, or will there be too much pain and grief for them to be able to build anything together?

I really liked these two. I enjoyed seeing the chemistry and attraction between them begin in the previous book, and I could tell that they were going to be great together. Bailey and Jackson both were dealing with a lot here and they were able to understand one another and the pain that they each felt. Though the chemistry between them was there from the start, they really got to know more about one another here and I enjoyed seeing them fall for one another. Bailey was feisty and fun, but she was also really sweet. That side of her was not seen often, but Jackson had a way of bringing it out in her. Jackson was strong and sexy, and yet he had a vulnerable side to him that I hadn't expected. Seeing him so emotional here broke my heart, and I felt so bad for all that he had lost. His father was more than just a dad to him, he was his best friend and they had spent every single day together. The loss hit him so much harder than it did his brothers, and I was so glad that he was able to heal some with Bailey's help. She brought him back to life and give him the love and support that he gave her. These two were perfect for one another and I loved them together. 

Overall, another great book from C.A. Harms. I am loving this series and the characters, and it was really great to see Ryan, Amber, and Olivia again. I also really liked seeing Alena and Noah and I thought that C.A. Harms did a great job of setting up their story next. While I really enjoyed this book, the one thing I will say is that I felt like the relationship between Jackson and Bailey happened at almost warp speed and if you are against insta-love you might want to skip this one. While insta-love isn't my favorite thing, I really felt like though things happened fast here that it was for the most part believable. The connection between Jackson and Bailey felt so strong and real to me that I found I still believed in their relationship even if the timeline didn't seem plausible. I would have liked to have seen things move a little slower here and maybe have seen them get to know one another better, but I did still think that these two were meant to be together. I think that contemporary romance fans will really enjoy this book and series though, and I can't wait for the next book. I can already tell that it is going to be very interesting with how C.A. Harms left this book and I can't wait to get more of the Sawyer Brothers!

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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