
ARC Review: Slider by Stacy Borel

Slider is the second book in the Core Four series by Stacy Borel. This series is about the Brooks brothers, with each book being a standalone story about one of the brothers. Don't worry about not understanding anything by starting with Slider if you haven't read Bender, you don't need to read these in order though the characters are connected. There was a lot to like here in Slider, and I enjoyed the story a lot. There were a few things that kept this one from being a five star book for me, but I think that fans of Borel and this series will really enjoy reading Turner and Annabelle's story.

Annabelle doesn't date, and she has no plans of allowing anyone to get under her skin. Knowing the kind of pain that comes with loving and losing someone, she figures the best way to protect herself is to never let anyone get close enough. But when she meets Dr. Turner Brooks, she knows that she needs to stay away from him even if she does find him attractive. But Turner isn't willing to accept no for an answer and is determined to show her that life is worth living and that going outside of her comfort zone is exactly what she needs. 

I liked Turner and Annabelle, but I did have a few issues with them. Annabelle was so afraid to let anyone in, and she basically shut herself off to life. She did have friends, but she was a little awkward even with them at times. I was glad that Turner pushed her because that was exactly what she needed. There were a few times that she came off as a bit stiff and hard to relate to, but then she would loosen up and I found myself really liking her character. Turner was great for Annabelle, and I liked that he wasn't afraid to pusher her when she needed it. But he also knew that sometimes he had to take a different approach and I liked seeing that he knew when he had to back off a bit too. There were some times that Turner would think things or make comments that really made me mad though, and he would come off as a jerk. That wasn't who he was, but I have to say that I didn't like how often those happened. I thought that Turner and Annabelle did have great chemistry though, and I liked seeing them finally start to pursue something together. It seemed to take forever though, and I would have liked their connection to have happened sooner. I kept waiting for something to happen and it just took a long time. 

While it took a long time for them to be together, things then happened rather quickly and felt rushed once they were. There wasn't a lot of actually seeing these two get to know one another or form a connection, it just sort of happened. I felt like there should have been more growth leading up to them being together than there was considering that once they were together it seemed like their connection was instant. I also felt like there were a few things that were brought up here that were just sort of dropped and that was really noticeable to me. The fact that it was such a huge deal that Annabelle didn't date and them was just forgotten was one of them. The other was the fact that Turner was supposed to be this huge manwhore sleeping his way through every female hospital employee, but then Annabelle agrees to a date and it is never even mentioned again. I figured with her aversion to dating and being a hospital employee that she would have at least said something about it to him or questioned him, but that never happened and I just found it unrealistic. I did enjoy this story, but I think that had a few of those things been different I would have really loved this book instead of just liking it. Annabelle had a huge heart and just needed some help and support to open herself up to the possibility of a different life than what she had planned and I really liked seeing her get to a point where she was able to grow and enjoy life. I will definitely read more from Borel in the future, and I am really looking forward to the next book in this series. I can't say that I always loved Macie here, but I do have to admit that I love a second chance lovers story and it is clear that her and Dodger have a ton of unfinished business!

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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