
ARC Review: Desperate Chances by A. Meredith Walters

Desperate Chances is not my first book from A. Meredith Walters, but it is the first I have read from her Bad Rep Series. Each book is a standalone story about one couple, but they do have interconnected characters. I really liked this book, and after reading I cannot wait to go back and read the previous ones from this series! I loved all these characters, and I am looking forward to seeing how everything started here.

Mitch Abrams has been in love with Gracie Cook for years. He always tried to get her to see him as more than a friend, but Gracie did everything she could to keep him at arm's length until one night changed everything. After sleeping together, Gracie and Mitch quickly found out that sex changes everything. While Mitch thought it was the start of his dreams coming true, Gracie let her fears and insecurities scare her into running away destroying the friendship that they had. With no choice left, Mitch moves on and gets a girlfriend that is the opposite of Gracie, while Gracie begins to put her life back together and finally faces the issues that have been plaguing her. But with Mitch's band returning home and them sharing the same group of friends, Gracie and Mitch are once again thrown together and forced to face all that went wrong between them. Can Gracie finally let go and give Mitch a shot, or will things be over once and for all. 

My heart really went out to both Mitch and Gracie. These two had such a strong connection and they were so great as friends. There was also an attraction there that while Mitch embraced it, Gracie lied to herself about. But I felt so badly for both of them. Mitch had been hurt so many times by Gracie, and yet he also knew that he loved her and wouldn't trade that for anything. No matter how many times he tried and was rejected, he knew deep down that she was it for him. Gracie had a ton of baggage that kept her from really being able to see what it was that she wanted and needed. She had a ton of work to do on herself, and I really felt like she was growing and healing over the entire course of this book. It was terrible that it took so much to wake her up, but it was also really great to see her overcome so much. These two were meant to be together, and I really loved how deep and intense their connection was.

Overall, this was an emotional story and I could not put it down. I started with the intention of just reading a few chapters, and the next thing I knew it was a few hours past my bedtime and I had finished the entire thing! This one was angsty and heart-wrenching at times, but it was also filled with love and friendship. I couldn't get enough of Gracie and Mitch, and I just knew that they had to find a way to be together. I loved the rest of the characters here too, and I am looking forward to reading the previous books to get to know the rest of the band and their girls! I would highly recommend this book if you are a fan of friends to lovers stories and if you like sexy rockstars. Mitch and Gracie were steamy and sweet, and I know that I will be reading their story again in the future! A. Meredith Walters is a fantastic writer, and Desperate Chances is one of my favorites I have ever read from her!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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