
ARC Review: Calling Me: The Complete Series by Louise Bay

I have been waiting for Luke and Ashleigh's story since I first read Louise Bay's Lightning series. I really loved Haven and Jake's story, but I knew there was so much gonig on between Luke and Ashleigh and I couldn't wait to get more of these two. Fans of the Lightning series will recognize Luke and Ashleigh as she is Haven's best friend and Luke is Haven's brother. Not only did I really enjoy the Calling Me series because it just so happens to be one of my favorite tropes, but it was also just a really great story. Louise Bay has never disappointed me yet, and this series was yet another example of why I rush to get whatever books her name is attached to. If you are a fan of contemporary romance, Louise Bay is definitely an author that you should be reading. 

Ashleigh Franklin has been in love with her best friend's brother for as long as she can remember. But after years of him never seeing her as more than another sister, she is finally trying to move on. But just when she thinks she finally has a chance at doing just that, Luke breaks up with his longtime girlfriend and realizes that the one he wants has been right in front of his face all along. But Ash isn't convinced that he has suddenly changed and that he wants a future with her. Can Luke prove to Ash that they belong together and are more than just friends, or will they destroy everything in the process including the friendship they share as well as that between Ashleigh and Haven? 

I will admit that I was very frustrated with Ash at times throughout this story, and she really got on my nerves. As much as she irritated me though, I also understood a bit of where she was coming from. While I wanted her to just take that chance and throw caution to the wind, I knew that she was just trying to protect herself and ease the risk of getting hurt. I thought that Luke had moments where he really shined here, and I ended up loving him far more that I thought possible. I loved Jake so much in the lightning series and he was my favorite of Louise Bay's heroes until I read the Calling Me series, and I really think that Luke might have topped him here. I still love them both, but there was just something about Luke here. He was sexy and impossible not to fall for. The best thing about this series to me though was the connection and friendship between Luke and Ashleigh. They were close from having been around each other for so many years, and yet seeing them get to know one another in an entirely new way just showed how much closer they could grow. The chemistry had always been there as well, but to see it finally explode here was beyond steamy and I couldn't get enough. 

Overall, this was another really great series from Louise Bay. I am so glad that I waited to read all of these stories at once as I am not sure that I would have been able to handle the wait in between with the cliffhangers. Luckily if you haven't read this series yet, they are all available now and you won't have to wait either. The Calling Me series includes Calling Me Back, Calling Me Away, and Calling Me Home. These do need to be read in order as they are not standalone stories, and I recommend having some time available before starting as once you start you are not going to want to stop. I definitely recommend this series and I cannot wait to read more from Louise Bay in the future.

**ARC Provided by Love Between The Sheets**

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