
ARC Review: Ignite by Kelly Elliott

I love Kelly Elliott's books, and I was so excited when I found out she was doing a series that centered around racing. Having grown up around racing, there is nothing sexier than a man who knows how to handle speed. This book was everything I had hoped for and more, which was exactly what I have come to know and expect from Kelly Elliott. Ignite was the perfect start to her new Speed series, and I cannot wait for the next book to get Malcolm's story!

Emmit Lewis and Adaline Morgan had loved each other most of their lives. On the biggest day of his racing career, he asked her to marry him and she turned him down. Adaline knew that she couldn't give up her dream for his, regardless of how much she loved him. But three years later she knew that it was the biggest regret of her life, and she was determined to win him back. Now that Addie was back, Emmit knew more than ever that they belonged together. Though Emmit and Adaline were both ready for their second chance, they quickly found out that there were several obstacles that still threatened to stand in their way.

I really loved these two. The love between Emmit and Addie was clear right from the start. It hadn't dimmed or diminished with time and distance. Although they each had been hurt by the way things had ended, their connection was just as intense as it always had been. Emmit and Adaline loved each other with their whole hearts, and I loved that they had such history together. They knew one another inside and out, and loved each other through it all. Though things might have been bleak at times, they never stopped hoping that things would work out. These two had such a strong bond, but they also had off the charts chemistry as well. These two really were perfect for one another in every aspect, and they generated a serious amount of steam here! 

Overall, Ignite was another great read from Kelly Elliott. I always love her stories because while they do have drama and angst, they are also filled with such strong characters and relationships. The love between her characters is always undeniable, and I know that I will be in for a sweet and sexy read that doesn't disappoint. I really loved the characters here, and the camaraderie between the race teams was so much fun to read about! If you are a fan of racing, you will love this book! But even if you aren't a fan of racing, there is so much to enjoy here and you will find a love story that is impossible to put down. I can't wait to get to know Malcolm better, and I just know that I am going to enjoy watching him fall hard in the next Speed book, Adrenaline.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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