
ARC Review: Logan by Melissa Foster

Logan is the first book in Melissa Foster's new Wild Boys After Dark series, and I couldn't wait to read it! I am such a fan of Melissa's contemporary and new adult stories, but I was really excited to see her take a bit of a sexier and darker turn. I have to say that she did an excellent job, and I really loved this book! It is everything that I have come to love and expect from her, yet so much more! If you are love Melissa's books and love some steamy romance, this is definitely a series you will want to check out. 

Stella has learned how to hide, though she wishes she didn't have to. In order to protect herself and the ones she loves, she changed her identity and left everything behind. Constantly looking over her shoulder, Stella counts the days until she knows that she will once again have to fear constantly for her life. After a sexy stranger helps her out, Stella decides to spend one night with him. Being a private investigator as well as a Navy Seal has given Logan the ability to see more than most, and he knows right away that "Stormy" isn't being honest about who she is. He knows she is running from something, and the connection he feels towards her makes him want to do whatever it takes to protect her. Soon Logan wants to do more than just protect her, and he finds himself putting everything on the line to free her from her past so that they might be able to have a future together. 

Logan was so sexy and protective. I loved him right away. He was a really good guy, and I just knew that the more we learned about him the more I would love him. He was so great with Stella, and I really liked how he treated her. He was gentle with her and allowed her feel safe with him at all times. He didn't push her past what she could handle, and he was always putting her needs first. He just seemed to always know what she needed, and you could tell how much he cared about her. Stella had been through a lot, and my heart broke for her with all that she was facing. She had left everything behind to try and keep herself and her loved ones safe, and it was hard to watch her believe that not only would she never see her mother safe again but to watch her constantly fear for her life. I was so glad that Logan helped her to start actually living again, and to get her to the point that she could feel safe again. These two had such a great connection, and while it did happen relatively fast it really was believable and felt genuine. The chemistry and attraction was there right from the start, and while Melissa Foster always has great sexy times in her books I have to say that this was definitely the hottest book I have read from her so far! 

Overall, this was a great start to the Wild Boys After Dark series and I cannot wait to get more. Melissa Foster delivered everything that I look for in a good romance story, and yet she also kicked it up a notch or ten here. If this series is anything like what I have learned from her, I know each book will be just as good if not better than the last. I am so excited to get to know the rest of the Wild boys as well as the Bad boys. Melissa Foster has become a favorite author of mine with her ability to always deliver a solid story that is different each time, and she just seems to get better with each book. I never question if I will enjoy a book when it has her name on it, and I honestly don't think that you can go wrong with anything she writes. Logan is definitely one of my favorite books of hers that I have read, and I loved every bit of this story. I can't wait for more from Melissa Foster.

**ARC Provided by Tasty Book Tours**

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Unknown said...

Great review!

Crystal, Tasty Book Tours

Melissa Foster said...

I'm so glad you were ready for the sexier and naughtier, Wild Boys! It sounds like you had fun following Logan and Stella throughout the story. Thanks for continuing to read my series' and joining my book tours! Have a happy holiday XOXO

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