
ARC Review: Shattered by Cynthia Eden

Oh Man, I love Cynthia Eden. Shattered is book three in the LOST series it picks up right after the events of Twisted. Like the previous two books this is a dark romantic suspense, and much like Beware of Me (from the Dark Obsessions series) it centers on a criminal anti-hero and heroine with a tortured past. Like with most of Cynthia Eden’s recent books it is not for the squeamish; bad things happen, things that can make us uncomfortable but the book has more than that in it and it balances out so it’s not so angst and depressing. Hell the book is about serial killers it’s not suppose to make us feel comfortable. I love it when characters survive through the worst of the worst and come back kicking. Both Jax and Sarah have not lived easy lives they are who they are because of it but they haven’t let it stand in their way. I love Cynthia Eden’s writing style, it’s very fluid and it teases you makes you second guess your own suspicions. This one was a surprise and I was so wrapped up in the characters and what they were doing the twist at the end took me by surprise. I love the opening line of both the Prologue and Chapter One, so completely creepy it sets the mood for the rest of the book.

Sarah Jacobs is the Criminal Psychologist and profiler for the LOST team; she is also the daughter of a notorious serial killer. Just having wrapped up the last case in New Orleans she is ready to return home to Atlanta. Jax Fontaine exudes danger and it’s not just all the tattoos and the fact that he as the face of a fallen angel but his whole attitude screams trouble. Jax and Sarah meet in the last book; Jax used to date Emma and helped search for her when she went missing. Jax as soon as he saw Sarah was fascinated. Sarah had convinced herself she needed someone safe and wasn’t willing to get involved with a man like Jax, but fate intervenes. Upon Sarah’s return to the hotel and after her sexual tension filled conversation with Jax, Sarah is attacked in her hotel room if it had not been for Jax she would have died. Her attacker is the son of a woman that her father murdered.

Sarah in need of some form of escape, a release, and comfort she knows she can find it with Jax; knowing he doesn’t feel the same other do about her when they find out who her father is. Jax views her without disgust or anger. She reaches out to Jax because she knows he will give her the sensual oblivion she needs to forget the past few hours. Jax is more than willing to give her anything she wants, he knows what Sarah hides from everyone else he can see it in her because he too has it as well. After a night of unbridled passion Sarah sneaks out hoping to put Jax and New Orleans behind her, but when work calls her in for their next case she sees Jax Fontaine looking to find out who he really is.

Sarah’s attack was only the first domino to fall, afterwards a pretty fast passed series of events that has both Sarah and Jax facing the horrors from their pasts and truths better left buried with the bodies. Through it all Sarah and Jax find understanding, salvation, and love with each other. Shattered is a definite keeper, the books in this series just keep getting better and better. Overall, this has to be one of my favorite Romantic Suspense this year so far.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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