
Event Coming Soon: A Historical Christmas Eve Event

The 5th annual Historical Christmas Eve Event is kicking on December 1st and you definitely don't want to miss out on all of the fun and excitement. Each day a different historical romance author is stopping by to share a special scene and giveaway! On top of the daily giveaways up for grabs there will be a couple grand prize giveaways up for grabs. Hope to see you there!!

The event will run from December 1st - 24th.

With appearances by:
Jane Ashford
Sophie Barnes
Valerie Bowman
Kelly Bowen
Sherri Browning
Darcy Burke
Christi Caldwell
Anna Campbell
Vicky Dreiling
Bronwen Evans
Shana Galen
Samantha Grace
Cheryl Holt
Callie Hutton
Vanessa Kelly
Erin Knightley
Wendy LaCapra
Jade Lee
Jessica Peterson
Stacy Reid
Maggie Robinson
Theresa Romain
Joanna Shupe
Sherry Thomas

Don’t miss out on the fun! There will be a lot of Christmas joy to share, fabulous giveaways and unique scenes you won’t read anywhere else. Mark your calendars and see you there!


penney said...

I love the Historical romances I am so looking forward to this event, thank you all sounds like so much fun.
Happy Thanksgiving,

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