
Guest Post with Author Caisey Quinn and Giveaway

Meet Caisey Quinn author of Missing Dixie.

Caisey holds degrees in both Communications and Education from the Ohio State University and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She is a native of Birmingham, Alabama and has lived briefly in California, Ohio, France, and Germany before deciding that her heart would forever remain in the south. Thankfully you can go home again.

After teaching high school English, Theater, and Creative Writing for six years, Caisey decided to pursue her dream of song and novel writing more aggressively and is proud to announce that Avon/William Morrow, an imprint of Harper Collins, will publish her Neon Dreams series, a romance about an edgy country music trio, in 2015.

In 2013-14 both Keep Me Still and Girl in Love (Kylie Ryans #3) were Amazon Top 10 Bestsellers. The first novel in her Second Chance series, titled Last Second Chance hit #27 on Amazon and landed in the top 50 on iTunes and Barnes & Noble.

When Caisey isn’t writing or baking with her daughter, she can be found attending as many concerts as possible and spending entirely too much time on Twitter. She is an avid country music fan and supporter and spends copious amounts of time in Nashville, Tennessee and Austin, Texas.


When I look back on the year it took to write this series, it feels like a blur. A beautiful, bright, neon lit blur. I have to confess that I didn’t know exactly how the Neon Dreams series would end when I began writing it. I knew the band would finally make it big. I knew that they would never want to share their backstory but that it would be a story worth telling. What I didn’t know was how real their hearts and souls would become to me. While Liam may not be Dixie and Gavin’s biological son, I did learn this year that family truly does come in the form of people who love and support you in both the best and worst of times and that it’s not always comprised of people who are related by blood or marriage. Liam was born from that discovery.

When Dallas went on the road and Dixie stayed behind, some people were outright angry. I was. At both of them. I was confused about why this felt right. I didn’t know Liam existed yet. I didn’t know he was going to be wandering by an old house in the backside of Amarillo alone and afraid. I didn’t realize that Dixie had to be there giving piano lessons to other kiddos so that Liam would hear and be drawn to her.

Everyone was exactly where they needed to be—even when I hadn’t yet realized it.

So my first big thank you is for you, for those of you who read this series and allowed me to figure it out as I went. For each of you who leaves a review somewhere—anywhere—and tells a friend to read it, thank you times two. Times ten. Times infinity, as my daughter says.

My second thank you is to my editor, Amanda, who didn’t tell me to take a hike when Liam entered the picture and it meant a rewrite of the second half of the book and that I wouldn’t make my initial deadline. I love you. I thank God for you, for your always having my back and for allowing me to write the story I believed in, the way that I needed to write it.

Thank you to my agent, Kevan, for also not dropping the crazy lady who said “So . . . my life is a mess and I need this book to go a different way and I am going to hunker down into the bat cave until I get it right.” Promise not to do that again . . . at least not on purpose.

To the members of CQ’s Road Crew and the Backwoods Belles, you ladies have been my family this year. You have been my light in the darkness, pulling me out of one of the toughest and most devastating situations I’ve ever been in. I literally don’t know if I could do my job without your unconditional love and support. Scratch that. I couldn’t. I know I couldn’t. Same goes for the bloggers who share, review, post, and rant and rave about all the book things. I love y’all. To the moon and back and around again.

To the amazing authors I am blessed to call colleagues and friends, thank you. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, to even get to know you much less read your work and have my books read and loved on by you, but I’m glad I did it—whatever it was!

Lastly, to anyone who supports music and musicians in general, thank you for existing. Music matters. The epilogue from Liam is very much nonfiction in my world, and I have someone I love dearly that I believe was saved by music. You know that feeling you get when you hear that song—that one that causes you to step off the treadmill or pull the car over or freeze in place and hold your breath and strain to hear because it reaches that deep, dark, hidden place where your secrets dwell—it’s a real, tangible thing, that feeling. It connects us—especially when we are positive no one else in the entire world could possibly understand what we’re going through. And let’s face it, life is better with a soundtrack.

Thank you to every single person who had a hand in helping this series about a small-town ragtag band become more than I ever dreamed it could be.

Thank you for making my dreams come true.

Fighting for redemption…

I’ve lived most of my life in darkness, beneath the shadows of secrets and addictions. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt the only girl I’d ever loved—the one who brought me into the light. In my entire life I’d made one promise—a promise I’d intended to keep. I’ve broken that promise and now I have to live with the fallout. Dixie Lark hates me, and I have to tell her that I love her. I also have to tell her a truth that might destroy us forever.

Can she love me even if she can’t forgive me?

Learning to move on…

Gavin Garrison broke his promise to my brother and he broke my heart in the process. I may never love anyone the way I’ve loved him, but at least I won’t spend my life wondering what if. We had our one night and he walked away. I’m finally beginning to move on when my brother’s wedding and a battle of the bands brings us back together.

Our band is getting a second chance, but I don’t know if I can give him one. How do you hand your heart back to the person who set it on fire once already?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Check out the Neon Dreams series:

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Check out what's up for grabs.
Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Signed Set of the Neon Dreams Series
  • 10 copies of Leaving Amarillo
  • 10 copies of Loving Dallas

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Caisey Quinn & Bookslapped for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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