
ARC Review: Coming Apart at the Seams by Jenna Sutton

Coming Apart at the Seams is the second book in the Riley O'Brien & Co. Series from Jenna Sutton, and it is my first book from her. It was really good though, and I will definitely be reading more from her in the future. This book is a standalone story with interconnected characters, and I can't wait to read the rest of the series. 

Teagan O'Brien and Nick Priest had a great friendship that was turning into more, after one passionate night changed everything between them. But when Nick walked away, he broke Teagan's heart. Though she has tried to forget about him, Teagan knows that she still loves him even though she hates him for leaving her when she needed him most. Nick knows that he screwed up, and now that life has offered him a second chance he is determined to win her over for good. Though Teagan can't help but want Nick, she isn't ready to give into him. Can he show her that they belong together?

I really liked Nick. He was smart and sexy, and really deep. He was a complicated guy that had been through a lot. I felt so badly for him and a lot of the things that he had been through. He kept it all in and didn't tell a lot of people much about him at all. Nick was a man of few words, with a stuttering problem he chose not to speak much. But with Teagan he didn't have to speak a lot as she just got him. They had their own way of communicating with one another and it spoke volumes about their connection. Teagan was easy to like, she was smart and sassy. But she was also really frustrating and there were a few times that I was less than happy with her. She did one thing here that really made me angry, and I wasn't okay with it at all. Nick and Teagan had a ton of chemistry and were so steamy together. But their connection was what kept me turning the pages. 

Overall, this was a good story. I liked Teagan and Nick a lot, and seeing them in the past and present was something that I really enjoyed. My heart broke for these two at times, but I could see how perfect for one another they were and I knew that they had to find a way to be together. I do think that Nick messed up, but I think that Teagan was almost as bad with how she was after. I am really looking forward to reading more in this series though, and I would recommend this one to fans of contemporary romance. This book was different and it was really refreshing to read something that wasn't the same cookie-cutter type of romance story. Jenna Sutton is a great writer, and I was drawn in right away. She is definitely an author to watch, as this is only her second book.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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