
ARC Review: Coming Back by Lauren Dane

Lauren Dane is one of the first authors that I read when I started reading romance, so she will always be one of my favorites. I am a huge fan of hers and she is a truly great writer. That being said, Coming Back was not my favorite book of hers. While I wanted to love it, there were just too many things that didn't work for me. 

Returning home after years away, Jessilyn Franklin is ready to stop pretending. Though Adam and Mick both walked away from her, she is tired of living without them. She tried to move on, but the love they shared is worth sacrificing her pride for. So when she receives an invitation from Mick to attend an event at Twisted Steel to celebrate Mick's partnership, she views it as the perfect chance to lay it all out for both Mick and Adam. But in order to have a future together, the three of them will have to face their past and everything that happened to separate them years ago. 

Mick, Adam, and Jessi were all likable enough characters and it was clear that they all cared about one another. I have to say that while Jessi was likable, it was almost too likable. She was the nicest, sweetest, most forgiving, full of hearts and flowers character I have ever seen. It was too much to be believable. I kept waiting for her to get real, and that just didn't happen. Mick and Adam were likable, and they were definitely sexy. But I didn't really feel invested in their relationship or this story. While the three of them were steamy together and definitely cared about one another, I just couldn't get into this book like I wanted to. 

Part of my problem with these characters was the fact that it felt like we were dropped into the middle of a story here. While this book is a standalone (even though it is third in the series), it felt as though we had missed half a book here. There was no prologue or lead in, we just start right off with these characters reconnecting after years apart and things move at warp speed from there. I wanted more of their past and what had happened to make the guys run as well as what they all had experienced apart. I was expecting to get more build up to their reconciliation, but these characters just jump right into a serious relationship like nothing much had changed. It wasn't realistic, and unfortunately that was where I started to lose interest. Since all of that happened within the first 10% or so of the book, it made it really hard to feel invested in these characters or their story. As much as I love Lauren Dane, I was bored for much of this story and it just wasn't what I have come to love when I pick up a Lauren Dane book. While this one wasn't my favorite, I will definitely read more from her in the future. If you like menage stories or are a fan of this series, I still recommend giving this one a shot if it sounds like something you would like. It wasn't a bad book by any means, it just wasn't my favorite. Readers should know before reading that this is a full menage story with a relationship between Adam, Mick and Jessilyn and if that isn't something that you are comfortable with Coming Back might not be the book for you.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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