
ARC Review: The Final Move by Victoria Denault

I have to admit that while I wanted to read this story, I wasn't exactly looking forward to getting Callie's story. I hadn't been her biggest fan in the previous books, and while she had moments here that I liked her, I still had some issues with her. The Final Move was good, but I did have some things that kept it from being great for me. Each book in the Hometown Players series can be read as a standalone, so if you haven't read any of the previous books in Victoria Denault's series you can start here with no problems. With the characters being interconnected though, you will see familiar faces as the series continues. 

Devin Garrison has gotten everything he has ever wanted, and he doesn't fail. As a star NHL player, he appears to have it all. But when his marriage falls apart, Devin realizes he has to start over. When Callie Caplan returns to town, Devin must face the fact that even though he was married to someone else, it has always been Callie that had his attention. While Devin always wanted to settle down and have a family, Callie was always the wild child. She doesn't do relationships, and she has always avoided any guy that she can actually like. But with Devin and Callie being brought together again, can they finally have something together? 

As I said, I had some issues with Callie. I liked her better here than I had in previous books, but I still had some problems with her. She was immature at times and I thought that she took things a bit too far. While I understood some of her problems with love and commitment, I didn't understand it fully. I also had some issues with Devin. He was angry at his wife for what she was doing, but then he immediately went out and hooked up with a random girl. If it wasn't for Callie he would have continued on that path. I also didn't care for the fact that their relationship changed almost overnight. For as mad as Devin was and hurt by it, he moved on too quick for my taste. I realize that he and Callie had always had a connection, but things seemed to move forward too quickly here. There was a connection between them and they definitely had chemistry, but the way everything sort of came about here just left a bad taste in my mouth here.

That isn't to say that this book didn't have good parts, because there were some parts that I really liked. But overall, I just ended up having some issues with the characters and the story here. This wasn't my favorite of the series, but I do think that fans of the series and even new readers will enjoy this book. I think that if you are starting here, you might actually be a bit better off, having no preconceived ideas about Callie or Devin. But I did like things about this book, even with how frustrated I as at times while reading this book. If you are a fan of sports romance stories, I would recommend giving this series a chance.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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