
ARC Review: Seeing You by Michelle Lynn

I am a huge fan of Michelle Lynn's, and I couldn't wait to read this book. I honestly had no clue what it was about at first, but one look at that gorgeous cover and I was sold. Thankfully this book was a great story to go along with the cover, and I enjoyed it a lot. Another thing I didn't know when reading this was that while it says that Seeing You is a Fall In Love Novel on the cover, there is actually a related novel to this one by another author. The book is called Work Song by Danielle Allen and features Amelia's roommate Tatiana. After reading this and learning that she has her own book, I have added it to my TBR pile since I loved her character so much here. I am so intrigued with her and I can't wait to see what was going on with her throughout this book!

After Amelia Fiore gets fired from yet another job, her neighbor and friend Todd Hamilton gets her a job as a bartender at the restaurant he works at. Todd is an up and coming chef, that models for Amelia while she tries to break into the art world with her photography. Though nothing has ever happened between Amelia and Todd, things between them begin to change the more time they spend together. When Todd asks Amelia for a favor, he never suspects that instead of it helping him achieve his dreams that it will change everything for his friendship with Amelia. 

I really liked Todd and Amelia, and I loved his nickname for her. He called her Noodle because her name sounded like past, and for some reason that was absolutely adorable to me. Their friendship was so strong right from the start, and it was clear how at ease they were with one another. I knew right away that these two belonged together, but that it was just a matter of them realizing it. Todd was a great guy, and I loved how supportive he was of Amelia. She was the same for him, and these two genuinely believed in each other no matter what. It was great that they had one another to lean on and they always knew that no matter what they could rely on each other. The chemistry was there between them all along though, and I couldn't wait for them to explore just how much they could be to each other besides just friends. They were perfect for one another, and I loved watching them grow closer throughout this book. 

Though this isn't exactly a spoiler, I will advise those that are against them stop reading here just in case they don't want to know. I felt like it should be mentioned though, and it wasn't in the blurb so I don't want to have anyone upset about me talking about it without them knowing that they should look away first. So beware, and if you continue reading do so knowing that part of this story could be spoiled.The one thing that kept this book from being higher rated for me was that I hadn't been expecting for this to be as much of a love triangle as it was. There was another player here, and I felt like I was a bit mislead when it came to that. I don't mind love triangles, but I don't like to be blindsided by them and that was what it felt like here. The fact that it continued as long as it did was another thing I didn't care for. There were so many opportunities for it to end here, and I just kept waiting for that to happen so that Todd and Amelia could finally start to face their feelings and the connection they were making with one another. The blurb never mentioned anyone else, except that there were unexpected consequences of the favors, and I know a lot of readers don't do love triangles or like to read books where the hero or heroine is with someone else. If that is something that bothers you, I feel like you should know that going in so you aren't blindsided like I was. Besides that though, I really did like this story. I loved Todd and Amelia for one another, and if it hadn't been for the other player and these two taking so long to finally be together, this one would have been five stars for me. I think it is still worth the read and is a great story though, and it is one I would recommend for contemporary romance fans. Michelle Lynn is a great writer and she always draws me in right away. Seeing You was one that I really enjoyed, and I didn't want to put it down.

**ARC Provided by Book Plug Promotions**

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