
ARC Review: What Maxi Needs by Calista Fox

What Maxi Needs is the second book in the Leave Your Shoes On series from Calista Fox. Each book is a standalone story, but the characters are interconnected. Just like the first in this series, Maxi's story is short and sexy. While I enjoyed this book though, I didn't love it as much as I did Lola's book. It was still good, but the first is my favorite of the series so far. 

With Lola's new campaign underway, Staci promotes Maxi to head of operations. Now that it is her job to turn the company around, Maxi sets out to make the changes that will get the company back on track. But what she doesn't expect is that Staci has hired another person to help her, the sexy Aussie Ryan. Ryan has a PhD and is used to working with numbers, and at first Maxi has no idea what to do with him. But the chemistry between them is instant, and they find themselves drawn to one another the more they work together. But can they turn the company around and find out what is going on between them?

While I liked Ryan and Maxi together, I had a tough time relating to either of them. Ryan is a sexy nerd, and he was a bit awkward. Maxi is strong and sassy, but she has had a terrible time when it comes to love in the past. Coming off a bad break-up himself, Ryan is able to relate to her and understand her issues when it comes to romance. That being said, he also was pretty oblivious to things at times, and I had a hard time believing some of his naivete. There was one scene in particular that he didn't seem to grasp how Maxi had interpreted it and he was lost as to why she wouldn't speak to him. I just didn't buy that he wouldn't have seen exactly what she did until so much later on. These two definitely had chemistry though, and they were really steamy together.

Overall, this was a good short story. It was sexy and funny and one that I was able to finish quickly. It was a bit awkward at times though, and it just didn't hold my interest in the way the first book did. I think it was just that I couldn't connect with the characters and I didn't feel invested in their story. I wasn't able to relate to them and as much as I love a sexy nerd, Ryan was a bit too awkward for me to go for. I am curious to read the next book in the series though, and I look forward to Staci getting her story told. If you are looking for something short and sexy with some humor, I recommend giving this series a shot.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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