
Learning a Secret...with Sherry Thomas and Giveaway

USA Today-bestselling author Sherry Thomas is one of the most acclaimed romance authors working today—and one of the first to be reviewed by the New York Times Book Review. Her books regularly receive starred reviews from trade publications and are frequently found on best-of-the-year lists.  She is also a two-time winner of Romance Writers of America's prestigious RITA® Award.  

English is Sherry's second language—she has come a long way from the days when she made her laborious way through Rosemary Roger's Sweet Savage Love with an English-Chinese dictionary. She enjoys digging down to the emotional core of stories. And when she is not writing, she thinks about the zen and zaniness of her profession, plays computer games with her sons, and reads as many fabulous books as she can find.

Sherry also writes young adult fantasy and historical mystery. A Study in Scarlet Women, book 1 of the Lady Sherlock series, releases October 2016.   

Learning a Secret on Christmas Eve with Sherry Thomas

For the Historical Xmas event in 2012, I wrote a little scene set on a wintry terrace, a man and a woman having a chat on Christmas Eve. At the time I thought the scene was going to be a one-off. But sometimes a story proves deeper and more interesting than even its creator imagined. So in 2013 and 2014 I added to the scene and this year I expand it yet again.

Please read Parts 1, Part 2, and Part 3 first.


Dear Miss Dutton,

I woke up this morning thinking of you. And of the gentlemen who surrounded you last night, each hoping for the same thing I do: the vast good fortune of winning your heart and becoming, truly, the happiest man in the world.

Then I think of what will happen if my heart’s desire never becomes reality.

There will be such a lucky man. But what if he is not me? What if my lot is only to congratulate him—and you?

I believe the man you choose will be worthy of you. He will treat you always with the utmost kindness and consideration. And he will never for a minute forget that he has been beloved by the gods.

I would like to be that man. But if we never hold hands and grow old together, I will still consider myself blessed. To have walked with you, danced with you, and laughed with you. To have shared meals, conversations, and long summer sunsets with you.

To have loved you in the brightest days of my youth.

Perhaps disappointment looms in my future, but not regret. Never regret.

Your servant,
Elliot Coventry

When she’d received this particular letter, Georgina had very much taken it at face value—Elliot thinking considering her other suitors, assessing his own chances, and deciding to take a romantic view of everything, success or failure.

Which she had considered romantic, if slightly silly, as surely by that point he must have had some inkling that as amiable as she was to the other gentleman, he was the one she preferred above all.

Only after she had accepted his proposal did he confess that he hadn’t been the least bit confident. That it had taken all his will power, plus a strong kick to the hindquarters from Beresford, for him to muster the courage for ask for her hand in marriage.

Which she’d considered even more romantic.

But now, knowing what she did, the letter was no longer about Elliot’s uncertainty. It was Beresford, facing the inevitability of Elliot and Georgina’s union, writing about his own choice in the matter.

He chose not to be bitter, jealous, or wretched. He remained Elliot’s best friend, bore Georgina’s attempts at matchmaking with good humor, and went on sharing good meals, lively conversations, and beautiful long summer sunsets with Georgina and Elliot.

He’d chosen to be happy for them.


The gentlemen were turning in.

Country hours were kept at the manor. Not to mention, early morning hunting parties waited for no late risers. Georgina glanced at the mantel. Eleven o’clock. She waited some more time—those who were going to sneak out of their own rooms to join their lovers would prefer not to see her in the corridors.

Nor she them.

When she did leave her room, she found the passages completely deserted. She walked quickly and without a handcandle, relying on familiarity and the glimmer of moonlight from the window at the far end of the corridor to navigate to the stairs.

Beresford was one floor up. Having arrived when the house was already full, he’d been given the last available room—the former nursery, in fact. He’d have to sleep on the governess’s bed but he preferred that to staying at the village inn.

She came to a stop before his door—and took a deep breath.

Bestselling historical romance author Sherry Thomas branches out with her first contemporary romance about a chance meeting a lifetime in the making, and an all-consuming affair without a single predictable moment.

When Evangeline Canterbury meets the gorgeous, intriguing doctor next door, despite their instant connection, all she wants from him is a bit of distraction, to help her get over a few rough days.

Her one-night stand, however, has other plans: He needs an accomplished and presentable girlfriend to bring before his parents—and for six months of her time, he is willing and prepared to spend an obscene amount of money.

Nothing but trouble can come of such an arrangement. But can Eva stop herself? Or will she fall headlong in love with a man who will leave her when their contract expires with a smile, a check, and hardly a backward glance?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | GooglePlay | Kobo |

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of The One in my Heart

To Enter: 
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter for entry.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sherry Thomas for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Sherry Thomas you are a new author for me and am happy that I have found you thanks to RFTC. Will be purchasing your book if I am not lucky enough to win the rafflecopter giveaway. Thank you RFTC for making me aware of new to me authors.

JenM said...

Oh no, that was cruel to leave us hanging like that. Does this mean we have to wait until next year to find out what happens with Georgina and Beresford? I didn't realize that Sherry had released a contemporary romance. I'll have to check it out.

Sue G. said...

What happens??????!!!!!! Not very nice of you! I'm sure Santa saw that too! ;)

Laurie G said...

Loved how your story blossomed. What an interesting life you lead. Congrats on your writing success!

Carol L. said...

Another year ? Please put us out of our misery before then. I loved it but what happens next :) Thanks for the post and giveaway.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Glenda said...

Love this story! Except for the year between installments!! Thanks!

RFTC Blog said...

You are so very welcome! <3 Sherry Thomas!

erin said...

I'm dying to know what happens!!! LOL... Thanks for the great stories!

cheryl c said...

So much fun to read! I want more!

Kim said...

Sherry's a wonderful writer. I haven't had the chance to read her contemporary yet.

Unknown said...

Please! Please tell me there's more!!!! A new to me author that has been put on my must read list!

Nancy Jones said...

I look forward to reading this one.

Di said...

that is a very romantic note!

Natasha Persaud said...

You're a new author to that piece of snippet thank you for this giveaway and happy holidays

Anonymous said...

I loved that short scene, but now I have to wait until next December to find out what happens?? :(

Marcy Shuler

Sharlene said...

I love a good friends to lovers romance. Hope Beresford gets his HEA! Merry Christmas!

dstoutholcomb said...

love it!

Joanne B said...

Do you have any input in your covers? Thanks for the continuing short. Happy Holidays.

Sandy Kenny said...

Can't wait to read the book!

Unknown said...

Hello Sherry and Happy Holidays . Not sure I'm liking this hop , year long cliffhangers just plain cruel lol.

Michele Hayes said...

Happy holidays.

Cheryl R said...

Merry Christmas to you! Thank you for the opportunity! This sounds so fun to read!

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