
ARC Review: Forbidden by Lauren Smith

Forbidden is the first book in Lauren Smith's new Her British Stepbrother series. These books are not standalones and the story of Tristan and Kat continues from one book to the next, so readers should expect cliffhanger endings. After finishing this first installment, I am definitely interested to see where things go from here.

Kat is an American studying at a university in England in order to be close to her dad who took a job there. While she is a 19 year old virgin, she is ready to start really living her life. So one night while at a pub with friends, she takes matters into her own hands and kisses a sexy stranger. Things between her and Tristan are electric right away, with a chemistry and connection neither of them can deny. But Tristan is known for being a playboy and Kat isn't willing to get her heart broken for a chance that she will be different. Tristan is determined to show her that things are different with her, and just as things appear to be turning around their parents announce their marriage. Despite everything that they have been building, Kat knows that she can't be with the one man she wants. 

I really liked Tristan. He was sexy and confident, verging on the point of cocky at times. He was still very easy to like though, and I loved his determination with Kat. He was sweet and patient with her, and their connection was different right from the start. They had amazing chemistry that was smoking hot, and yet they were able to connect intellectually as well. These two had a lot of passion and while it was about different things, they could relate to one another. I really believed that these two were good for one another, and I enjoyed seeing them get to know one another. The one thing I will say is that Kat was a bit frustrating to me at times. While I understand some of her reluctance to give Tristan a shot because of his reputation and her inexperience, it got old seeing her judge him and make assumptions when he had given her no reason to. He never hid his past, and went out of his way to show her she was different.

The other thing I will say is that while I did enjoy much of this book, things were a bit cliched and very predictable. There wasn't much new ground broken here, and everything was pretty much what you would expect from the title alone. Although I have to say that to me this isn't really forbidden even with their parents getting married as they have been strangers their entire lives and met before their parents even told them they were seeing anyone. Their becoming step-siblings was entirely coincidence and just didn't feel that forbidden to me. I really liked Tristan and I like him with Kat, so I am anxiously awaiting the next installment and hoping that Kat isn't as frustrating in the next book as she was here. Forbidden is worth checking out, especially if you are a fan of new adult romance and sexy British heroes.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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