
ARC Review: Hold Me Until Forever by Christina Phillips

Hold Me Until Forever is the third book in the Grayson Brothers Series. If you read the first two books in the series, you know that the two younger Graysons were featured in their own books and have already found their loves. Alex is the oldest sibling and the last one to find his true love. If you haven't read the first two books in the series, you don't need to, you can start right here. There might be some very mild spoilers from the first two books but nothing that should really prevent you from reading out of order.

This book is Alex and Ella's story. This is a "little sister of my best friend" novel with a side of BDSM. I think you will like this book but there isn't much about it that will distinguish it from similar books with the 'off limits' little sister theme. Alex has been pining away for Ella for years. As his attraction to her grows so do his efforts to hide it. Of course what happens with that is that Alex goes too far in the wrong direction and basically ignores Ella. Ella spends the very first part of the book thinking that Alex either doesn't notice her or doesn't like her. In an interesting twist, Ella is Alex's assistant at work and she recognizes her attraction to Alex. Ella finally gives up on Alex and decides to take a job somewhere else so she can move on with her life, and that's where the story really starts.

Alex is (randomly) part owner of a sex club and regularly participates in BDSM kink at the club. Ella develops a plan to visit the club in an effort to get Alex's attention. It works, instantly and Alex and Ella embark on a kinky relationship. The hook up between Alex and Ella was sort of hot and pretty interesting but there wasn't enough build up to it. At the point when we enter the story, Alex rapidly moves from viewing Ella as off limits to having her in every compromising position you can imagine. I was really confused by how rapidly things moved between the couple or why there was suddenly no issue with Alex hooking up with Ella. The BDSM elements in the book are really light weight, the relationship is fun and the plot moves rapidly forward even though it's a little bit predictable. I think you'll enjoy this book but it probably won't go on your memorable read list.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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