
ARC Review: Never Tear Us Apart by Monica Murphy

I have been a fan of Monica Murphy's since I first read One Week Girlfriend. Since then I have read several of Monica's books and really enjoyed them, and Never Tear Us Apart is no exception. While I really enjoyed this book, I will say that this book is unlike anything she has written before. It won't be for everyone, and there is a letter from her at the beginning of the story letting readers know some of what to expect. If you have any trigger issues with rape, kidnapping and violence I strongly urge you to take her warning seriously and think about whether or not this book is one for you.

Eight years have gone by since Katie's life changed forever. Katie was kidnapped at 13 by a serial killer, only to escape with the help of that man's son Will. Now eight years later, she is trying to move forward with her life and part of that is telling the world her story. So when Ethan (having changed his name from Will) sees her on TV, he can't help but want to get close to her again and make sure that she is doing okay. But what starts out as him making sure she is safe turns into them reconnecting, he has no idea how to shatter her world again by telling her who he really is.

I loved both Katie and Ethan! I was so drawn to each of them and felt invested in their story right away. These two had been through more than anyone can even imagine, and they are definitely unlike any other hero or heroine I have ever read before. Ethan was so sweet and patient and protective of Katie, and I really believe that he only ever wanted to do right by her. He would have done anything for this girl, and it showed with everything he did. I did wish that he would have told her sooner about who he was, since we all know those things are bound to come out and it is always better to come early and straight from the source. But I do think that would be one of the toughest things ever to try and figure out how to tell someone, and I understand that it had to be tearing him up. Katie was going through the motions, and while she survived she wasn't truly living. Her happiness had been forever changed, and even with her doing better she was still dealing with so much. I loved seeing her come back to life with Ethan though, and it was clear that these two had a connection that absolutely nothing could change. 

Overall, I really can't wait to get the next installment in their story. Katie and Ethan's story is far from over, and this book does end with a cliffhanger. The next book, Never Let You Go, is due out in May 2016 and I honestly cannot wait for it. This book was captivating and unlike anything I have read before, and I couldn't put it down. The connection these two share is one that no one else could understand and I found it fascinating. Like I said before this book won't be for everyone and that is something each reader will have to decide. But I do think that this book is worth the read and definitely worth taking a chance on. Monica Murphy is a great writer, and I will be anxiously waiting for the next book in Katie and Ethan's story as well as whatever else she writes in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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