
ARC Review: The Score by Elle Kennedy

The Score is the third book in the Off-Campus series from Elle Kennedy. Each book contains interconnected characters but can be read as a standalone. I have to admit that this book was so unexpected. I mean I knew that it would be great and that I would love it, but Dean's story had so much to it that I never would have seen coming! I absolutely loved it and I can't wait to get the next in this series. If you are a fan of the series so far, this is an absolute must read. If you are new to the series, you are seriously missing out and should go out and get them all!

When Allie Hayes and her boyfriend of almost four years call things off again, she decides this is going to be the last time. Needing to avoid Sean so as not to be tempted to take him back, her best friend Hannah and her boyfriend Garrett offer to let her stay at his place while they go out of town for the weekend. The only problem is that brings her face to face with player Dean Di-Laurentis, who has been trying to get into her pants since they met. Allie doesn't do casual though, and is strictly a relationship type of girl. But when things heat up between her and Dean, she begins to wonder if maybe a fling is exactly what she needs. The more time they spend together though, the more Dean begins to wonder if maybe Allie is worth giving up other women for and if she is the one to finally make him settle down. 

I absolutely loved Dean and Allie. Before the details for this book were released, I thought that Dean would end up with Sabrina. They had a vibe going in The Mistake that I thought would turn into something very different, but I have to say that Elle Kennedy knew better and what she did here was absolutely brilliant! Dean and Allie could not have been more perfect for one another, and it was clear while reading this story that these two were it for each other. I really enjoyed getting to know both Dean and Allie better, and there was so much more to both of them than I had ever imagined. These two were seriously hot together though, and I couldn't believe that my Kindle didn't burst into flames with the steam from these two. While I enjoyed their sexy times though, I really loved how emotional this book ended up being. The connection these two shared was fascinating to me, and I couldn't put this book down because I loved watching them get to know one another beyond just physically. 

Overall, this book was fantastic and I really hope this series never ends. Elle Kennedy never disappoints, and I have no idea how she continues to constantly just get better with each book she writes, but she does it every time. Dean and Allie's story is filled with all the sexy and sweet times as well as the humor that we have seen from her previously, but this book was so much more emotional than I ever expected. There were some twists here that I absolutely didn't see coming, and kudos to Elle for being able to completely shock me when that is something that doesn't happen often for someone who reads as much as I do. Needless to say, I need the next book now to see where things go next in this series and for these characters. While I saw part of it coming, there was something so shocking here that I need the next book and answers, and I need them asap! If you are new to Elle's books, you should definitely check them out. If you are already a fan, The Score is just as fantastic as her previous books and it is one that is not to be missed.

**ARC Provided by Bocci PR**

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